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Eurythmy, New Art of Movement - dance

Thursday, March 22, 7pm
Teatro Santa Ana, Relox 50A
$300 adults, $150 children

Eurythmy, New Art of Movement - dance

Rudolf Steiner, in the early 20th century,
inaugurated the ART of EURYTHMY, defined as the making visible in movement the essence ofspeech and tone, or music.

It is not to be construed with traditional choreographed dance, nor is it at all personallysubjective.

Eurythmy is the expression of an objective reality that shapes, maintains and regenerates the human physical body.

The unique potential of human evolution is mediated not only by mechanical, chemical or physical laws, but by higher, subtler forces and processes that are as much cosmic as terrestrial.

Eurythmy is thus directed to the spiritual reality underlying human nature.

Eurythmy has a great potential to exert very decisive therapeutic effects, especially on the growing child, but also with all ages, and has proved of great help in aging gracefully.

Eurythmy works through the vital body, which are formative world-processes corresponding with specific states of consciousness.

Eurythmic movements represent the all-embracing macrocosmos, or the zodiacal consonants, which are in turn continuously modified by planetary movements or vowels, thus connecting to human being as a microcosm to the universe.

Because its meaning and substance is so cosmic and universal, Eurythmy can be expressed in many limitless, creative ways.

A lifetime Eurythmy is like drinking from the water of eternal life. (BLB)

Brigitte Ley Brettschneider nace en Stuttgart, Alemania y cursa sus estudios primarios y secundarios en la Escuela Waldorf de Stuttgart. Después de recibirse con bachillerato musical en piano, empieza su carrera de Eurítmia, El Nuevo Arte de Movimiento. Comienza sus estudios en Eurítmia Artística con el maestro Werner Barfod en La Haya, Hollanda. A su regreso a Alemania, continúa su formación en Eurítmia Artística, Pedagógica, Higiénico-Social, bajo la tutela de Else Klink, quien la invita posteriomente a presentarse como integrante de su Ensemble Artístico. En 1984 se forma en Eurítmia Curativa con la maestra Ursula Ziegenbein en Stuttgart. 1985-2003 trabaja como Euritmista Curativa en la clínica privada de un médico antropósofo, donde se practican las siguentes terapias: Pintura, Artes Plásticas, Logopedia,
Terapia Musical y Sprachgestaltung (Arte de la Palabra). En 2003 se muda a Mallorca, España, donde trabaja con seminarios, grupos de Eurítmia Higénico-Social, Eurítmia Curativa, clases individuales, grupos de estudio antroposófico y la Fundación de la Academia Eurítmia Mallorca. Ha viajado por Europa impartiendo cursos y seminarios, y se ha presentado Artísticamente en Europa hasta la Selva Amazona en Brasil con su propia compania, como artista y co-directora. Desde 2017 vive en San Miguel de Allende, Gto. donde imparte la Primera Formación de Eurítmia en México, da clases, talleres y terapias.

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