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Discover Your Passions at Any Age - workshop

Tuesday, February 20, 11am-2pm
The Studio Space
$1000 pesos

Discover Your Passions at Any Age - workshop

Would you like to bring a fresh and energizing sense of excitement back into your life? Is it possible to feel more vitality and enthusiasm about what you're up to?

The answer is a resounding YES! Imagine using your natural talents and gifts to bring passion back into your life to such a degree that you can't wait to wake up in the morning! That deep sense of fulfillment and gratification is like nothing else.

Some people are fortunate to be in tune with that aspect of themselves already. Others tend to relegate their passions as "hobbies" and focus their energies on more "secure" endeavors, called jobs. New retirees might wonder: "What do I do now?" after having had a successful career for years and now being faced with an expansive white canvas of possibilities. And others still might harbor a secret fear: "What if I just don't have any passions?"

Having recently presented the fully-attended motivational workshop: "Create A Life You Love – The 5 Key Essentials," Eli and Joseph are excited to offer another fun and deeply transformational experience where you will achieve a level of clarity about your life that you've probably never had before, until now.

The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful tool that shows you step-by-step how to identify and prioritize your top five passions, and then provides guidance on how to live a truly passionate life, while eliminating obstacles that have been getting in the way of achieving your dreams. If you harbor secret "what ifs," it is time to allow them to blossom! Discovering your passions through this process will give you clues as to your life purpose, regardless of your age. It could be that profound!

Eli and Joseph are dynamic, heart-centered presenters of motivational workshops and you'll be thrilled to attend this latest offering that will surely inspire you to live a more passionate life.

The workshop is on Tuesday, February 20 at The Studio Space, from 11-2. Capacity is quite limited, so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot. You can do so, and get more information, at or call 415-185-8093.

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