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Festival for St. Jude

Friday, Sunday, October 27-28, all day
Chapel of St. Jude by Guadalupe Cementery

Festival for St. Jude

Jude, also called Judas Thaddeus, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and the son of one of Mary's cousins. He is little mentioned in the bible yet is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus prior to his crucifixion.

In art, on his chest, he holds a medallion of Jesus' head believed to have cured King Abgar of Edessa (now Turkey) that St. Jude provided shortly after Jesus' death.

According to tradition, this made Jude the patron saint of Lost Causes and the most popular lad in town.  In any church his image has the most offerings and his image is seen on jewlery ad tee shirts around town daily.
It was St. Jude entertainer Danny Thomas prayed to when he had no career and his future was a lost cause.  Once rich and famous he began building St. Jude's Children hospitals for terminall ill children whom are also lost causes.
Indigenous dancing will be at the chapel Saturday at two.  Sunday will feature early morning and evening fireworks plus music and dancing through out the afternoon.

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