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Photos, San Miguel de Allende, 1
Sharon Lasher


Sharon Lasher writes: I lived on an Indian Reservation in Cass Lake, Minnesota until I graduated from high school. I then attended the University of North Dakota and majored in music. I met my husband while working for a summer in Glacier Park, MT and we married 6 weeks later. We just celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary.

I've always had a strong sense of creativity. I felt compelled, daily, to do something in the creative arts. We moved quite often and I organized Community Based Children's Choirs in most of those locations.

When we first visited SMA, I realized I wanted to savor these memorable sights by photographing them. I purchased a top of the line point and shoot camera. I didn't want to take the time to change settings within the few seconds I had to capture something so I kept my camera on the "athletic setting" and all was solved. Composition, for me, came easy. "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

My friends asked if they could purchase some of my prints. I hesitated at first, as that was not my mission, but the requests increased and I started selling them. I eventually showed my photos at four different local restaurants, including Hecho en Mexico and the Santa Ana Cafe, and the Magenta Gallery. My husband, Gaylord also experienced some memorable times selling them at the Instituto Arts and Crafts Fairs. It's been a gift.

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