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Life, Death, & Rebirth in San Miguel
Weekend Workshop or 4-day Retreat, October 10-14

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
-Alan Watts

It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.

by Henrietta Weekes

Daniel Ryan has a huge heart, natural wisdom and an elegance, a la Cary Grant. The renown hypnotherapist and regression therapist (his workshops through the Evolver Learning Lab of NYC reach a global audience) is exceptionally scholarly and creative. His manner is warm and personable.

Daniel is a genuine, influential presence in the ever-growing “spiritual community” in the US and Europe. After presenting several web series with him I felt I wanted to bring him to my San Miguel community. I am sure he and his work will fit in well with our high altitude community.


Once thought of as dubious, regression therapy and hypnotherapy persist and continue to gain attention and credibility. Recent scientific studies show the positive effects of hypnosis. When only the known is allowed into our story, then the unquantifiable, the inexact, and the unseen become uncomfortable subjects. Yet, in the unknown is healing that can give us a greater sense of belonging, a deeper, more expansive sense of ourselves. The tension between the conscious and the unconscious has been at the center of all the psycho-spiritual practices and therapies we’ve seen emerge since the 1970’s.

Past life regression may secretly be the most versatile psychotherapy. Inside the often marginalized and misunderstood practice is an introduction to meditation and hypnotherapy, Freudian and Jungian psychology, family constellations, a nuanced examination of time, a new understanding of mortality and more.

Imagine passing through moments of “death” over and over again as men and women of all races, young and old, during war and peace, in ancient history and more recent decades. Imagine sincerely engaging with the narratives through the senses, activating the neurology and physiology of the positive states of release and relief. After so long, one might naturally begin to rethink “death” as a portal we pass through. This does not devalue grief or sadness when it happens, nor does it subtract the need to honor our lives. Rather, as an adaptive therapeutic intervention, past life regression is a fabulous resource.

Death is not the end. Death is transformation, the breaking of the chrysalis and the departure from the husk. There is an interconnectedness of beginnings and endings.

Meditation, Hypnosis, and Past Life Regression

Meditation as a glass of water. Simple, refreshing, and refreshingly simple. Contained, for 2 minutes or 20, or more. No past or future, just the wordless experience of right now. Like the glass is filled with water, the mind is filled with activity which with time (and practice) comes to rest and becomes still.

Then hypnosis as a swimming pool. A larger container. We can see the boundaries, and be part of the activity. We can explore the past or imagine the future - we can comfortably play in the shallow water or explore the deep end. We can swim fast or wade peacefully. It can be work or pleasure. Hypnosis would be the second and larger of three concentric circles.

And finally past life regression as an ocean. A source of life that is most often beautiful, and can also be unpredictable and treacherous. The waves, the rhythms of the water and the interplay of currents happen on levels we’re not entirely aware or in control of. (Like some psychedelic journeys or experiences of ecstatic states) it’s deep, majestic, reflective, and mysterious. We can lose the horizon and explore endlessly. Past life regression would be the third and largest of the concentric circles with these three modalities.


Dan is one of very few second-generation regression therapists in the world. His father Jeffrey Ryan served as the President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies in the 1990s. He had been first trained in hypnosis by the US military in the late 1950s. His father was experienced great success leading regressions with individuals as a therapist and training groups internationally.

In NYC, Daniel hosts regular events and talks at institutions such as The Assemblage, WOOM Center, The Alchemist’s Kitchen, and Maha Rose. He is the director of the Center for Integrative Hypnosis.

I am very excited that Dan is going to be in San Miguel with us and that his wife, Dr. Sarah Biffen, a doctor of acupuncture, herbology, and Traditional Chinese Medicine will be joining him and offering treatments as well. We would love to see you there.


Visit www.mysteryschoolinmexico.com for details.
Contact Henrietta@evolver.net or 917 750 7598 (US cell) for press and inquiries.

Wednesday-Sunday, October 10-14, Dan and I are hosting a 5-day retreat at the beautiful Ranchito de Arleta, just outside town. You are welcome to join us for some or all of the days or just the Weekend Regression Workshop. Breakfast, lunch, and study/practice will happen with a return to town at about 6pm. We plan on having group dinners and activities.

On Thursday, October 11 at 7pm, Dan will host a public cocktail party/talk at Paprika Restaurant, where he will be answering your questions.


Henrietta Weekes has worked as a programmer, presenter and producer for Evolver Learning Lab, Nura Learning and The Open Center, NYC, as well as for individuals in the esoteric field. She is also a writer and performer - and looking forward to creating retreats, workshops and work that helps further human development, evolution and unity in our unstable times.

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