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Family Constellations: Healing Emotional Inheritance
Intro to Family Constellations, Saturday, September 29


Meeting Cat in person was comforting. My first time doing so was in Parque Guadiana, where the natural surroundings added to the pleasure. Genuine and receptive towards me, I opened up to her about my personal life. She listened to me openly, with empathy. She answered all my questions about her work in a fluid, insightful way. She inspired confidence. Our talk that day was a gift to my heart.

Recently, I ended a romantic relationship. After which, I began a process of internalizing the learning that that experience has left me and to take responsibility for myself. Through this process, I was once again attracted to themes of family patterns and ties. It was then that I started working with Dr. David for the digital magazine Lokkal. Cat Gelinas, a facilitator in Family Constellations, was the first person I interviewed. I identified with Cat's experience, the story of a woman who had looked for relationships with the wrong people.

Cat's problems within her marriage were the main reason that led her to this path of healing. She had been angry with her husband for not keeping promises, the lack of intimacy, and her unhappiness within the relationship.

After her first session of Family Constellations, she was able to see the hidden dynamics of her ancestry and realized that the root of her problem came from her relationship with her father. As a child, he had also broken many promises and been emotionally absent. Through the family "field" she saw that her father had even been disconnected from his own parents.

She saw the sadness and depression of her paternal grandmother staring at the floor, feeling sad and rejected. Cat's mother later confirmed her paternal grandfather had had another woman in his life and another family. She understood the reason for that profound disconnection on the part of her grandmother and how it must have impacted her father.

Cat also used Constellations with her relationship with her own daughter. She would sometimes feel very impatient with her little girl. She would yell at her, only to feel guilty afterward. Through the field, she saw that when she was a young girl, her parents had treated her in the same way, with impatience and anger. Now life was presenting her with the same situation to be able to see her unconscious ancestral patterns, her Family Constellations, and be healed along with her daughter.

“My husband and I had a bad time in our marriage four years ago.    I had been doing spiritual and personal development for 12 years prior and was embarrassed that we were getting separated.  I asked a friend of mine who I had met on a deep meditation retreat, "Why is this happening to me?  I thought with so much healing work I would never have this happen.”

“My friend recommended that I try Family Constellations. It's extremely popular in Europe where Bert Hellinger first developed it in Germany.   She said it would amaze me and show me the deep unconscious mind and energies that were at play in my family field. I did it and was indeed amazed!   It was so profound the things that I discovered about myself and my family that I recommended it to my husband and all my friends.   I healed my relationship with my parents, grew in confidence and peace, and ended up not only getting a better job soon after, but also getting back together with my husband.  I started training in this technique right away.”

“With this technique we are able to release the emotions and subconscious beliefs that aren't ours.  I was able to see the deep hidden bonds I had with my parents and how greatly it was impacting me in my current life.   My parents grew up during a war, so they lived with a lot of anxieties of not having enough to eat and survive.  I had the same anxieties, but I never realized why since I grew up with more than enough to eat.  I would worry about things like ending up homeless and starving on the streets my entire adult life.   I could feel the anxieties release after I saw its true source during a constellation.   Now I just don't worry about those things and I don't feel anxious anymore.”

Cat's current relationship with her mother has also changed radically. It didn't happen overnight. It took seven sessions of Constellations and many months of work, but now they have a close and warm relationship where they feel love for each other. Her relationship with her father is still not that close, but for her part, she is now able to feel compassion and love for him whereas before there had been anger and hurt.

I asked Cat, what forces are at work so that this deep energetic work can occur so we can have these visions so clearly. Her response was "the collective consciousness, the consciousness of her spirit (or Cat) and of those who participate physically and energetically," whether they are people who are still in this life or who have transcended to another existential plane. Cat has the ability to see events that have occurred in the ancestry and past lives of her clients and to clear what is necessary to heal wounds and lighten the burden and experience of those who want to do this healing technique.

It is beautiful and essential to discover the root of what holds us back in our lives and thus get rid of the weight that often we do not know the reason for, and which may not even be ours. With this, we can live our life and not that of an ancestor or relative. We can free our children from the damage and pain that does not belong to them, and find solutions to our interpersonal relationships.

At the end of our meeting that day Cat offered to see me at her house, professionally, another day. The following weekend we had a session of Family Constellations. I was delighted with the results I saw at the end of the session. I felt very comfortable and connected with myself and with her during the session. We have plans to meet again next weekend when we will accommodate the movements in my reality and in relation to my family, that I already sense.

When we said goodbye in the park Cat asked me a question that I thought was very tender, “How do people say goodbye in Mexico?” I smiled and replied, “In Mexico we are very warm and we usually give each other a kiss and a hug.” We did, with me thanking her deeply for that meeting-interview and for the well-being that her company gave me.


Intro to Family Constellations led by Cat Gelinas

Saturday, September 29, 1 to 4 pm
Early registration - 150 MXN
At the Door - 200 MXN
Registration at https://catgelinas.com/workshops/

Family Constellations are an effective healing approach founded by psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Through this profound healing technique we can release deep patterns that we’ve absorbed from our families and epigenetic traumas that are passed down from our ancestors. The roots of those problems can sometimes go back generations. Family Constellations combined with Intuitive energy healing clear the subconscious and emotional body freeing you from emotions, wounds, and blocks that aren’t even yours!

During this workshop, we’ll be setting up 6-8 constellations and taking a brief look into your family tree to see what hidden dynamics are at play. Shifts can happen through these insights. We won’t be doing a full constellation to resolution for each person in the interest of time and making sure as many people as possible can look into their ancestry, but the insights will be impactful nonetheless!

Constellation work can be an intense and emotional experience. Whether you want to have your own personal introductory constellation is up to you. You can choose to just participate in other’s constellations as a representative or just observe.

Cat Gelinas is a Family Constellations Facilitator and Intuitive Energy Healer. She has trained in personal development since 2002 with coached within leading edge companies that specialize in transformational education. She currently leads Family Constellation workshops that integrate shamanic healing techniques and does private healing sessions with international clients from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Contact Info:
Email: catgelinas78@gmail.com

Website: https://catgelinas.com/


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