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Advancing Style:
Instagram Fashion Guru Debra Rapoport

Workshop, Sat, Feb. 16 - Book Signing, Fri, Mar. 1

Why not be more yourself at any age...continue to be bold, step out and "Flaunt Your Flavor?" The first thing that is seen when you walk in a room is your face, eyes and smile, so "Frame the Face." This can be done with a hat, scarf or neck piece as I call them "Boas, Bibs and Breastplates."

With a hat there is always HATTITUDE...Something happens when a hat is placed on your head!

Be courageous, be bold, aging is play!

Frame the Face by wearing a hat, a scarf, neck piece or all 3 More is not enough. Enjoy experimenting and Dress to DE-Stress. It's your creative process. It's all in the attitude.

Find your truth about your creative interest. Trust it, because you know when you are going in the direction right for you. Follow that instinct and persevere.

Advanced Style is a movement, started by Ari Seth Cohen as a blog then 2 books covering people from all over. Now it's emerged into portraying Advanced Love illustrating diverse couples and their various lifestyles. There will be a book signing event March 1.




Debra Rapoport, celebrated artist and featured fashionista of "Advanced Style" & "Advanced Style: Older & Wiser" will conduct a workshop at Camino Silvestre on February 16 using recycled materials for neck pieces. Materials will be supplied. Debra is showing the world how to reuse and renovate, repurpose and recreate.

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Debra Rapoport:
I am a native New Yorker and this great city continues to inspire me even after 50 years.
Since age 3 “Dressing Up” creatively has been my artistic expression.
I have always created and worn “headgear”. Hats are perfect accessory that can take your wardrobe and your style to the next level.
To me, anything is a hat.
My inspiration comes from my head. I don’t have a preset vision. I allow materials to speak to me.
With my hands I begin to form the material to frame my face. I use intuitive process and what feels right. My head is my armature.
I use everyday found materials that exist in the environment. I don’t come from tradition. I’m interested in creating forms that are inspired by the face and the head.
In my creations as well as in my life I’m constantly in playful exploration for beauty.

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