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Uncovering San Miguel's Past
Artisans of Time, Alberto Ave

Artisans of Time is the project of anthropologist Alberto Ave. As you will hear in the video below, Artisans of Time has three primary interests. (To donate or to take a tour with Alberto please see the information below the video.)

1. San Miguel´s archeological site. Alberto authored a paper comparing the archeological information on the complex at Cañada de Virgin with historical sources that indigenous people wrote, which he presented at the Third International Conference of Ethno-history in Mexico City.

2. San Miguel Viejo Church. Alberto authored a paper on this, the first indigenous chapel in San Miguel, with its facade featuring the death and resurrection of Jesus interpretted through pre-Hispanic heiroglyphswhich he will present to the Mexico Culture Seminars in 2019.

3. The rescue of the works of Felipe Cossío. Alberto discovered (and digitalized) the written works, of great importance to the history of San Miguel, of this Peruvian painter, who founded the two art schools of San Miguel, abandoned in a municipal library in northern in Peru.

Editors note: I learned in college that who was teaching was more important than what was being taught. Alberto is a passionate, articulate, entertaining teacher of the highest order. Take a tour with him.


Alberto Ave is Director at Artisans Of Time/Artesanos del Tiempo.
He worked at Tecuani Experts in Tourism and Culture S.C..
He studied at:
World Tourism Organization and Open University of Catalonia; Cultural Policies and Cultural Management at the Organization of Ibero-American States;
International Cooperation for Development and Tourism at the World Tourism Organization, University of Valencia, University of Perpignan, University of Andorra;
National School of Anthropology and History;
Anthropology at ENAH, UNAM;
Colegio Ciudad de Mexico.
He is from Tenochtitlán, Mexico, Mexico


Contact Alberto Ave: 415-1000-947

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