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Public Spaces
Parks, Museums, Libraries and Magazines

by Dr David, Editor / Publisher

Parks, museums and libraries are public spaces that make a city richer beyond dollars and cents.

New Orleans has tremendous parks. City Park is 1,300 acres. (It is 50% larger than New York's Central Park.) It is the 87th largest and 20th-most-visited urban public park in the United States. (City Park, Wikipedia) Then there's Audubon Park, an impressive 350 acres, bordered by Loyala and Tulane Universities and the Mississippi River, smack dab in the heart of Uptown New Orleans. Then there are parks along Lake Ponchatraine and bicycle paths along bayous and more.

Today I visited the Sculpure Garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art. (Thank you Sydney and Walda Besthoff.)

Another public space that adds to the wealth of the community is local press, newspapers and magazines. I've been publishing this magazine for 4 years this July. This June we're going to our A game: more articles, more writers, more videos, weekly columns, a new design, a new name, San Miguel Sunday. Si dios quiere, it will be in your inbox each and every Sunday morning when you wake up. In the great tradition of Sunday morning magazines, it will be something to read with your bagel or croissant.

If you like to write consider supporting public spaces in San Miguel by contributing pieces to San Miguel Sunday.


photo: Alessandro Bo (cropped)

Dr David has invested years of his life and more money than he cares to reckon into his global Lokkal project, an event calendar and searchable directory/business network for towns and cities around the world, combining aspects of Facebook, Google and Trip Advisor. Think: Digital Town Square. Think: the yellow pages for the new millenium. See more. A madman crying in the wilderness for years, reinforcements have recently arrived, the team has assembled and preparations to launch in other cities are almost complete, gracias a dios. Interested?

events @ sanmiguelevents.com

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