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Click "pages".



Click "create page".



Enter a name for your page.
Enter a brief description of your page.
Then click "Create".



Choose keywords (tags) for your page.
Click on the keywords you would like your page to appear for when a user searches Lokkal.
When a user searches Lokkal using one of those terms, then your page will appear in the search results
(like on Google.)

Click Done when you are finished or click "Show more tags" to see more options.

(You can return and add more tags later - see below.)
(Your choices of tags must be approved by the administrator before they become active.)



Choose keywords (tags) for your page just like on the basic tag menu.

Want a tag that is not yet in the list? Type it into the Suggest bar and press enter.

Click Done when you are finished

(You can return and add more tags later - see below.)
(Your choices of tags must be approved by the administrator before they become active.)



Posting on Lokkal is like Facebook, only better.
A Facebook page has only one wall; new posts always appear at the top of your wall, pushing older posts down.
Your Lokkal page has 5 separate wall sections, allowing you to design your page.
Post something in an upper wall section and it stays on top.

1- Copy what you want to post (photo, text, link...),
2- Click on the wall section in which you would like it to appear,
3- Paste it there,
4- Click POST.

You can also type directly into a wall section
and upload photos from your computer by clicking on the Photos / Video link above the wall section.

Click "page tags" to add more page tags.



The Edit button below your post allows you to align posts, to format text*, to create live links (More).
The Delete button deletes your post.
Click View Page to see your page as a user would. (In view mode click Edit Page to return to editing mode. )

Change Visibility from Preview to Published when you are ready to show your page to the world.
(Your page must be approved by the administrator before it goes public.)
Play around and learn the ropes; it's easy to delete posts or whole pages (see Your Pages.)

*We recommend that you format text in a word processing program (Microsoft Word, Open Office...)
changing font size, style, color and alignment; then copy from there and paste onto your Lokkal page.


