Finding Yourself in Community, UU - spirit

Sunday, January 26, 10:30am
Hotel Aldea or Password: 294513

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday Service 

Speaker: Rev. Tom Rosiello, Minister  

by Susan MacDonnell, UUFSMA Member

Some have advocated that we should call ourselves "Communitarians" rather than "Unitarians" and there is good reason for that. Although we have a rich and evolving history and a meaningful theological tradition, (which was the focus of our service  last week), at the core of our faith traditions is the importance of  community. With our minister, the Rev. Tom Rosiello, we will continue our exploration of Unitarian Universalism. This Sunday we will explore the concept of "Beloved Community," what that means, and how to strive to make it real. 

The Rev. Tom Owen-Towle, one of our past guest ministers, expressed it this way: “for Unitarian Universalists the important question is not ‘Who I am?’ (the theological question) but rather ‘Whose I am?’ (the associational question). Mature faith is not some secret privately held belief, but rather it involves how and with whom we collectively express what is important to us." 

According to Rev. Rosiello, "it is in community that we do our best collective work. It is also in community that we come to better know ourselves, to know our beliefs, and in no place is that more true than in a congregation such as this one." Especially if you are new to this faith tradition, come to this service with your questions. Those that are not answered during the service can be addressed in an informal New2UU discussion which will follow the service. 

"There are many good reasons to participate in the life of this Fellowship,” says Rev. Rosiello, “but none more important than to discover yourself. To challenge yourself, to really discover what it is that you believe in and then let those beliefs guide your life is at the core of a faith development for Unitarian Universalists.”

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal faith inviting its community to gather around a set of harmonizing values and principles for living. Our UU Fellowship welcomes people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Belief in a divinity is not the central issue around which we gather for worship and generous action. Rather, we come together with a belief in community, love, compassion, social justice, reverence for nature, and the spirituality of music, all within the interconnected web of existence.

The UUFSMA Social Justice Foundation donates generously to support local nonprofits that provide health, educational, and environmental services. Learn more at .

To participate in our online Sunday Service, visit and click on the Zoom Service button on the home page. If requested, enter password: 294513. Sign in from anywhere on Sunday mornings between 10:15-10:25 am CST. Enjoy previous services at  

UUFSMA meets at 10:30am at the Hotel Posada de la Aldea, Ancha de San Antonio 15, in San Miguel de Allende.

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