Circo Social - taller adolescente

Los Sabados
Centro para los Adolescentes SMA - CASA

¿Existe una metodología que se llama Circo Social, que ayuda a empoderar a las personas?
La herramienta de circo social, utiliza las artes circenses, como un medio para empoderar a las personas, ayudándolas a reconocer sus capacidades y limitaciones, tanto individuales, como colectivas.
Si perteneces a la comunidad LGBTIQ+ este taller es para ti.


Is there a methodology called Social Circus, which helps to empower people?
The social circus tool uses circus arts as a means to empower people, helping them to recognize their capabilities and limitations, both individually and collectively.
If you belong to the LGBTIQ+ community, this workshop is for you.

We are a dynamic, entrepreneurial nonprofit working creatively to promote human rights. Each year, CASA services performs outreach to tens of thousands of Mexican people. Established in 1981, CASA is based in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Our mission is to promote and teach skills that result in heightened empowerment, gender equality and self-sufficiency for both individuals and families. We seek to elevate the quality of life for all underserved Mexican people. Through multiple anddynamic services, CASA works to address the needs of our community and the surrounding area

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