The final Saturday of each month, 10am-1pm
address in bold below


ALMA is a nonprofit which provides care and accommodation for elderly-in-need. In support of its mission it takes donations of clothing, books, household items, electronics, costume jewelry, etc. and offers them up for sale CHEAP! at 10 AM on the last Saturday of each month (except Dec.)

You never know what you'll find at ALMA, but it could include fine designer men's and women's cloths, shoes, vintage silver jewelry, popular contemporary and classic books, furniture.

ALMA is situated in La Lejona, adjacent to La Comer, one block off calle Vicente Araisa, behind the bright blue Seguro Popular clinic and next to the construction site of expanding medical services. Our van picks up and drops shoppers off by Cafe Monet on the Ancha / Calle Codo at regular intervals Saturday mornings.

For donation pick-ups from your home call 152 7210, or drop them off anytime at ALMA, they can take them at the main door. Volunteers are working in the sale area Mon/Wed/Fri from 10 - 12 and can take drop-offs then.

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