Nude Photoshoot: life drawing, fashion show, live music

Saturday, Nov. 7, 10am-8pm
Belle Muse Art Studio / Santo Niño #5, Col. San Rafael
$ see below

español abajo

If you are an artist, photographer, model, designer, jeweler or require professional photo images, the photoshoot is the event for you! Spend a whole day of artistic production and pick the schedule that suits you best. All day access.
PHOTOSHOOT is a combined effort among photographic artists, models and the general public.…. We all learn and work together.
We will have the presence of a Mariana Vega as a guide photographer, she has a degree in the Arts.
At the event, five different sets will be displayed indoor and outdoor.
One set with scenery and pre-hispanic elements in collaboration with artist JOSE YAÑEZ.
Also a light box for product photography.

Banking Information:
Banorte / Belle Muse Art Studio / Account number: 1014367073 / Card Number: 4915 6634 3251 4397

10:00am Welcome and registration.
10:30am Nude photographic sessions and workshop start with models.
12:00pm Live Drawing Session.
4:00pm Cocktail Party with Live Music Set @longplaces.
6:30pm Custom and Fashion Show

Photographers / Artists / models
All day access $ 1350P
Sponsorship $ 1500P
Cocktail Party $250P
Free access for volunteers (limited availability). Please send an e-mail to for previous registration.

Additional information:
Coffee break will be available all day long sponsored by “Café Rincón de Guanajuato” who offers local and natural products with the highest quality.

For safety reasons, we ask all the attendees: if you have reported any symptoms of fever, cough, headache, etc. in the last 7 days, please abstain from participating at this event.... LET'S TAKE CARE OF EVERYBODY’S HEALTH!!!

Please bring at least one USB device with enough memory availability in order to share photos.
The photographic sets have natural and artificial lighting; however, you are able to bring extra equipment if you want to as well as any kind of accessories that you may require for your projects.
We suggest to bring a gown.


Nude photoshoot
Sabado 7 de noviembre 2020 10:00 am a 8:00 pm
Ubicacion: Bellemuse art studio. Santo niño no. 5

Info para regristro:
Si eres artista, fotografo, modelo, diseñador, joyero o requieres de imagenes fotograficas profesionales te esperamos a pasar todo un dia de produccion artistica ….. Tu elijes el horario
Photoshoot es un encuentro entre artistas fotografos, modelos, y publico en general…. Todos trabajamos juntos y aprendemos…
Tedremos de fotografo guía a lic. En artes M. Vega
Contamos con 5 diferentes sets en interior y exterior
1 set con escenografia y motivos prehispanicos en colaboracion con el artista jose yañez.
Asi como una caja de luz para fotografia de producto
10 am bienvenida y registro
1030 am inician las sessiones y workshop de desnudo con modelos
12:00 lifre drawing session
4:00 pm inicia coctail party
4 pm inica live music set con @longplaces
6:30 inicia sesion de fashion y disfraces

Fotografos/ artistas
All day acces $ 1350p
Patrocinio $1500p
Cocktail party $250 p
Voluntarios: entrada gratis cupo limitado preregistro de vountarios a:

Información bancaria
Banorte / Belle Muse Art Studio / Account number: 1014367073 / Card Number: 4915 6634 3251 4397

Info adicional:
El coffee break estara todo el día disponible y es con productos locales, naturales de la mas alta calidad.. Por café rincón de Guanajuato.

Por motivos de seguridad le pedimos a todos los asistentes que si han reportado algun sintoma como fiebre, tos, dolor de cabeza, etc, en los ultimos 7 dias… se abstengan de presentarse…cuidemos la salud de todos!!!

Fotografos es imprtante traer memorias suficientes y al menos una memoria usb para compartir imagenes.
Los sets cuentan con iluminación natural y artificial, sin embargo si desean traer equipo pueden hacerlo, asi como cualquier tipo de accesorios para sus proyectos!!!
Modelos…es importante traer una bata

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