Fashion Show, Women Empowered

Friday, March 20, 6-8pm
Hotel La Casona, Camino Viejo al Panteón 9

Fashion Show, Women Empowered

*** Español abajo ***

Enjoy a fashion show with the Empowered Women of San Miguel Allende, where they will wear several of the models of the Sindashi House, this event is organized by the Rotary Club San Miguel de Allende and the money raised will be used for the Health projects and Education carried out by the club, we are waiting for you.

If you want tickets please just contact us by inbox on facebook.


Disfruta de un desfile de modas con las Mujeres Empoderadas de San Miguel Allende, donde ellas lucirán varios de los modelos de la Casa Sindashi, este evento lo organiza el Club Rotario San Miguel de Allende y el dinero recaudado se usará para los proyectos de salud y educación que lleva acabo el club, te esperamos.

Si desea boletos por favor solo contáctanos por inbox en facebook.


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