Taking Sides - theater

Thursday-Sunday, March 5-8, 3pm
Shelter Theater, Vicente Guerrero 4, Col. San Rafael

Taking Sides - theater

By John Wharton

The time is 1946 and Berlin is in rubble. But for the victorious Americans, the hardest part lies ahead: how to rid Germany of the hideous Nazi ideology. This ‘de-Nazification’ is the job of an American officer tasked with digging out Nazis in hiding who now, predictably, all deny any participation in Hitler’s evil.

One such closet monster may be Germany’s most respected conductor, a man of immense dignity who swears his only allegiance is to his music. Herr Furtwengler insists his honor is intact despite the Nazi elites’ best efforts to seduce him. But Major Arnold thinks he smells a Nazi rat and is determined to get him to confess his sins and blackball him from Germany’s reconstruction.

You won’t want to miss a major theatrical event as the playreading of Taking Sides features San Miguel stars John Wharton and Jim Wright as BOTH the American prosecutor and his beleaguered German foe in Ronald Harwood’s masterpiece, March 5-8 at 3 pm. It’s a powerful post-mortem of the Holocaust showing another aspect of how decency was restored to war-torn Europe, showcasing some of San Miguel’s finest talent as the actors alternate days and roles.

Says Curtain Up, “satisfying because it fully engages its audience, leaving them with food for thought and discussion that should extend well beyond the evening's proceedings.” Who you see as the victim and who the bully will depend on who you believe!


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