EMDR: A Way to Heal and Enjoy

Tuesday, December 18, 4-5:30pm
Casa Europa, San Francisco 23

EMDR: A Way to Heal and Enjoy

FREE presentation on Tuesday Dec. 18 from 4 to 5:30 PM at Casa Europa on Calle San Francisco # 23. It is a few meters from the Cafe San Agustin. Therapist Christina Johnson will be doing the presentation, possibly with Dorie Beach a local EMDR colleague.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing ( EMDR) is a therapy that is effective for trauma, addiction,mood disorders, pain and phobias. Positive results occur relatively quickly
so a patient may expect to find satisfactory completion within 7 to 10 sessions. Training in EMDR is only possible for those who are licensed and trained as mental health professionals.

The method of EMDR includes the targeting of disturbing memories in order to desensitize them and ultimately, heal them. The EMDR steps also include discovering and changing negative beliefs, paying close attention to messages from the body,and bilateral stimulation. The original memory is gradually reduced to the simple recall of the event, without distress and negative associations.

The therapist assists the patient by coaching him/her in mindfulness and body awareness, and by teaching ways to self -soothe and emotionally self-regulate. Using the EMDR protocol, new neurological pathways are formed in the brain and the negative event is transformed to a memory that no longer has significant impact.

EMDR is not a “talk” therapy. Of course there is talking during the sessions, but the real work is not accomplished by talking much about the past or family history. Important client history is noted during the first couple of meetings, and then the focus changes to reprocessing
and resolving the issue.

I find that many clients are dealing with anxiety that is provoked by the present
world situation, rather than the past. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and the real terrors related to war and refugees affect many people, especially those who are already vulnerable and sensitive. Another benefit of EMDR is becoming more resilient. Resilient people laugh
more often, take action, and are often looking to be an heartening agent of change in this turbulent world.

Each year, I attend the National EMDR Conference in the USA. This year the conference theme was about facing challenges in today’s world. The conference presenters addressed new factors in the field of psychology including epigenetics and treatment for compassion fatigue. (Never heard of Compassion Fatigue? See… http://www.compassionfatigue.org/)

I hope to do a presentation when I return, and share about any solutions or new discoveries made that contibute to a brighter future and a healthier mind. Call Christina Johnson for an appoitnment, 154-9085, or email visionarypower@gmail.com.

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