Fiesta Valle de Maíz - spirit

Friday, May 24-Sunday June 2
Valle del Maíz

Fiesta Valle de Maíz - spirit

*** Español abajo ***

Concerts and Processions in Valle de Maiz
Thursday, May 23, 8PM
Friday, May 24, 7, 9 and 11 PM
Saturday, May 25, 6PM
Sunday 26, 8PM
Monday 27, 8PM
Tuesday 28, 8 PM (clowns at 6 PM)
Wednesday 29, 7, 8:15 and 9:15
Friday, June 31st, 5PM procession
Sat. June 1st, 7PM procession and performances at 8PM
All day Sunday

Starting Thursday, May 23rd though Sunday June 2nd expect daily live music concerts in Valle de Maiz to wrap up the month-long celebrations for the sacred cross. On Friday the 31st there is procession around the area featuring music and dancing. The big event is the procession Saturday, June 1st at 7PM followed at 8 PM by dance presentations.

Information above provided by Joseph Toone.
Take his Valle de Maíz Festival Tour


A not-to-be-missed fiesta/event in one of the original neighborhoods of San Miguel. The hill is long and tall; you might want to take a taxi.

El Valle del Maíz is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. The majority of its inhabitants are of Chichimeca or Otomi origin, and during its festival, which takes place the last weekend of May, people venerate the Santa Cruz, in a mixture of Catholic and pre-Hispanic traditions.

The celebration venerates a Catholic symbol, such as the cross, but also performs indigenous dances and rituals like the blessing to the four winds, part of the Chichimeca culture before the Spanish domination. “The Spanish brought the Catholic religion, which was unknown to us. We adopted all their rituals, but we had the need to continue with our original customs that we practiced before the conquest, and we found an opportunity to do so at the party. ”

The main objective of the festival is to give thanks for the blessings received during the past year and ask for a good rainy season and an abundant harvest. “It is the need of people to believe in God or something or someone, and give thanks for life, for everything we have, and to ask for benefits during the coming year. The celebration is wonderful because it is a space where people meet, talk, forgive and share. This is the wonder of this party “.


Un evento / fiesta que no debe perderse en uno de los barrios originales de San Miguel. La colina es larga y alta; es posible que desee tomar un taxi.

El Valle del Maíz es uno de los barrios más antiguos de la ciudad. La mayoría de sus habitantes son de origen chichimeca u otomí, y durante su festival, que tiene lugar el último fin de semana de mayo, las personas veneran a la Santa Cruz en una mezcla de tradiciones católicas y prehispánicas.

La celebración venera un símbolo católico, como la cruz, pero también realiza bailes y rituales indígenas como la bendición a los cuatro vientos, parte de la cultura chichimeca antes de la dominación española. “Los españoles trajeron la religión católica, que era desconocida para nosotros. Adoptamos todos sus rituales, pero tuvimos la necesidad de continuar con nuestras costumbres originales que practicamos antes de la conquista, y encontramos una oportunidad para hacerlo en la fiesta. ”

El principal objetivo del festival es dar gracias por las bendiciones recibidas durante el año pasado y pedir una buena temporada de lluvias y una cosecha abundante. “Es la necesidad de la gente creer en Dios o algo o alguien, y dar gracias por la vida, por todo lo que tenemos, y pedir beneficios durante el próximo año. La celebración es maravillosa porque es un espacio donde la gente se reúne, habla, perdona y comparte. Esta es la maravilla de esta fiesta ".

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