Mindfulness and Transforming Loss - retreat

Saturday, Sunday, January 26, 27, 11-5pm
Calle del Dr Ignacio Hernandez Macias 12
$100 usd

Mindfulness and Transforming Loss - retreat

Combining Thich Nhat Hanh’s mindful teachings, trainings and meditation techniques assisting you to live joyfully and with gratitude in the present moment.
Transforming the grief of our life’s many losses using verbal and physical techniques, relieving emotional distress, mental anguish and physical discomfort.

Saturday and Sunday, January 26th & 27th, 2019
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring your own lunch.
If you so wish, bring your own meditation bench/zafu.

FLOATSANO (Upper Yoga Studio)
Calle de Dr. Ignacio Hernandez Macias 12,
(Near Calzada de la Luz)
Zona Centro, San Miguel de Allende

Jeanie Seward-Magee, Dharma Teacher in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Dr. Lyn Prashant, Psychologist, Grief Specialist

How much?
$100 US for this Two Day Non-residential Retreat.
Monies will be donated to the TNH Foundation.
Two Scholarships are available.

Please email Jeanie…….Retreat will be limited to a maximum of 20 persons.

In one breath, my life changed forever.

In Gratitude for the love of family and friends,

Jeanie Seward-Magee
Dharma Teacher
True Virtue and Gratitude

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