Turkey Day Tours with Toone

Wednesday-Saturday, November 21-24, 10-12pm
Oratorio Church, Insurgentes 12
$500, $25usd, children free

Turkey Day Tours with Toone

Start being thankful by learning how we express appreciation here in San Miguel de Allende (SMA). Plus why we do all sorts of things including having so many free concerts Thanksgiving week (hint – there’s a reason local musicians name their daughters Cecilia).

The walking tour is led by Joseph Toone, SMA’s award winning and best-selling author of SMA Secrets book series on local history, holidays and living here plus Toone is TripAdvisor’s best rated private tour guide.

Toone’s tours are a primer for SMA’s unique traditions and celebrations that are an extraordinary mixture of an ancestral pagan past and the Catholic faith.

Tours are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 21-24 at 10AM, or by appointment. The cost is 500 pesos (or 25 USD) per person (children free). For more information visit JosephTooneTours.com or HistoryAndCultureWalkingTours.com. For reservations email Toone.Joseph@yahoo.com.

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