Círculo de Mujeres: Taller Huevito de Obsidiana

Wednesday, December 12, 8-10pm
$550 with egg $350 without

Círculo de Mujeres: Taller Huevito de Obsidiana

Nos juntamos en circulo para hablar de nuestro centro de poder, el útero.
Algo que tenemos en común todos los humanos es que estamos ligados de manera íntima al útero femenino, desde el comienzo de nuestra vida microscópica hasta el momento en que fuimos expulsados del cielo acuático uterino para arribar a nuestra madre tierra, el útero fue nuestro primer hogar.
Sin embargo, el útero ha sido relegado a un papel secundario que no tiene nada de mágico ni divino, sino todo lo contrario, despierta dudas, miedos, incertidumbres y dolor, condenandolo a estar en peligro de extinción.
A través de la conexión y la recapitulación de memorias, podemos sanar nuestro útero y empoderarnos para vivir una vida más plena.
La herramienta del Huevito de Obsidiana, es una manera de sanar estas memorias a través de un proceso de 9 meses que trabajaremos con el huevo de manera intravaginal.
En este circulo hablaremos sobre:
La importancia de conectar y sanar nuestro útero
El poder de la obsidiana y en trabajo con el huevito de Obsidiana
Las experiencias que hemos tenido con el proceso del huevito
La conexión entre el masculino y femenino

El intercambio consciente es de
$180 pesos por el circulo y taller
$550 círculo, taller y huevito de obsidiana

Las espero con el Corazón abierto.

Dudas y confirmación de asistencia:
whatsapp +5217626262626
celular 044 4151672476


Reconnect w/ Your Feminine Essence, Obsidian Yoni Egg - workshop
The practice of owning your TRUTH

Connect with your uterus as a center of power and creation
The practice with vaginal eggs began thousands of years ago, in the Taoist culture it is one of the best known practices for women, to connect with their center of power and heal physical and emotional wounds.

Obsidian Egg It is a therapeutic tool to heal memories of the female genital tract. It has ability to alleviate cysts, fibroids, herpes, vaginal infections, as well as menstrual pain. It is a way to connect with feminine yin energy and lunar cycles .
The obsidian egg practice is an ancient practice used to heal trauma, give strength and maintain vital sexual organs. Removing trauma, it clears and protects from negative energy, balances the womb, releases resentment from others, stimulates the intuition, removes negative attachments as well as emotional blockages.

Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It increases self-control and forces facing up to one’s true self. Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during difficult changes. Obsidian comes from the center of the earth, it is a volcanic stone found primarily in Mexico and India. The eggs were custom made in Mexico for us with love and integrity and given to us with prayers. Because the stone is so extremely absorbent of its surroundings and powerful, it is important that One is well informed when working with Obsidian for healing.

In the workshop we will talk about the properties of obsidian, the cleaning of the uterus and the practices that can be done with the egg.

The exchange is $ 550 with Obsidian egg included
$ 350 without yoni egg

Bring a notebook, and something to sit on


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