Dance Card, Playreaders - theater

Wednesday, Thursday, July 11, 12, 7:30pm
St. Paul's Church, Cardo 6

Dance Card, Playreaders - theater

Dance Card is a Surrealistic murder mystery with an element of race relations. It will be presented by Playreaders at St. Paul’s Church, Cardo 6, July 11 th and 12 th , 7:30 pm. Dance Card is written and directed by Harold Dean James and stars Clara Dunham. Other actors include JK O’Donnell, Isabel Hernandez, Marthe Fraser, Jonathan Lockwood, Moises Alzuro, April McGee and Harold Dean James.

Dance Card was originally produced several years ago in New York City at La MaMa E.T.C. and was under film consideration by 20 th Century Fox. Since race relations seems to be a current headline in the U.S., Dance Card is being brought back to the stage for another look.
Be advised, tickets will be sold at the door beginning at 6:45 on a first come, first serve basis.

All ticket holders must be present at 7pm or their tickets may be re-sold. Tickets are 30 pesos.
Play begins at 7:30 or when house is full.

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