Doris Rogers, Poetry and Music, UU Service - spirit

Sunday, May 21, 10:30am
Hotel Posada de la Aldea, Ancha de San Antonio 15

Doris Rogers, Poetry and Music, UU Service - spirit

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende was founded 30 years ago this summer. The week’s service features Doris Rogers, one of the founding members, who will read her poetry and perform special music.
Born in Baltimore, Doris served in the US Air Force before her marriage and her career as a librarian in the city’s public library and public school system. She attended Atlanta University, where she earned an MA in Library Science.

She and her husband moved to San Miguel in 1987. Many long-time residents remember Doris as the jazz vocalist at the restaurant Tio Lucas for more than a decade before she stopped performing publicly three years ago in favor of private house concerts. According to her, her artistic talent, which includes painting, did not fully emerge until she moved to San Miguel. She seldom sang in public and never wrote poetry while in Baltimore. In fact, she claims she has never really written the poems. They just came to her. “I’ve never just sat down to write a poem,” she says. “For some reason, poetry just started coming into my head. I wondered what was going on and felt the need to write it down.”

A life-long Unitarian Universalist, after getting here she quickly linked up with a small group of individuals to help form UUFSMA. Her poetry reflects humor and insight into the human condition, and moderator Judy Rosenthal will link her work to the UU principles. Here’s a sample of what visitors can expect to hear.

Is This It?
Now grown old……………
substitutes masquerade as desires granted
diluted dreams make the necessary accommodations
purple becomes lavender
red becomes rose
in the diminished intensity
tigers cry meow
and the lion wags his tale

The UU Fellowship meets every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at La Posada de Aldea, Ancha de San Antonio #15, and welcomes people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. The room is wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit our website at

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