Allende Chamber Players

Saturday, September 14, 2pm
Teatro Santa Ana, Relox 50A
$330 Tickets

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Attend the third edition of Allende Chamber Players! On this occasion you will enjoy a unique violin and flute show.

Allende Chamber Players brings to you high level musicians to offer a chamber music concert. It is the turn of Clif Foster, on violin, and Amy Likar, on transverse flute, to perform in our Teatro Santa Ana.

Amy Likar

Based in San Miguel de Allende, and the San Francisco Bay Area, flutist Amy Likar plays with the Oakland Symphony, directs the training program for the Association of Body Mapping Education, and champions musicians’ health and wellness. Her passion is helping people to get out of their own way to create meaningful, compelling performances.

Clif Foster

Attended the American Conservatory of Music and his further violin studies were with Paul Makanowitzky. He has played under such highly regarded conductors as Carlo Maria Giulini, Georg Solti and Daniel Barenboim and has recently retired from the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra. For the last 20 years, Clif has been active in bringing chamber music performances to Benicia, California. He currently lives in San Miguel de Allende, where he continues his chamber music career.


¡Asiste a la tercera edición de Allende Chamber Players! En esta ocasión podrás disfrutar de un show único de violín y flauta

Allende Chamber Players trae a ti músicos de alto nivel para ofrecer un concierto de música de cámara. Es turno de Clif Foster, en el violín, y Amy Likar, en la flauta transversal, de presentarse en nuestro Teatro Santa Ana.

Amy Likar

Residiendo en San Miguel de Allende y en la bahía de San Francisco, la flautista Amy Likar toca con la Oakland Symphony, dirige el programa de formación de la Association of Body Mapping Education y defiende la salud y el bienestar de los músicos. Su pasión es ayudar a la gente a crear actuaciones significativas y convincentes.

Clif Foster

Estudió en el Conservatorio Americano de Música y amplió sus estudios de violín con Paul Makanowitzky. Ha tocado con directores de la talla de Carlo Maria Giulini, Georg Solti y Daniel Barenboim, y recientemente se ha retirado de la Orquesta del Ballet de San Francisco. Durante los últimos 20 años, Clif se ha dedicado a llevar actuaciones de música de cámara a Benicia, California. Actualmente vive en San Miguel de Allende, donde continúa su carrera de música de cámara.


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