Wednesday, February 12, 11am-12
JC3, Las Moras 47 (at 5 de mayo)
members $200, non-members $300 +$20 for online (Clip) payment, tickets: https://shalomsanmiguel.org/events/monday-mornings-with-bea-renbrandt-1606-1669-the-chiarodscuro-of-life-the-light-of-the-soul
Wednesday Mornings with Bea: Rembrandt 1606-1669. The Chiaroscuro of Life, The Light of the Soul
Rembrandt’s art enacts the eternal drama of Light and Dark, an existentialchiaroscuro which reveals a deep intuitive psychology.
In this New Holland, born out of the defeat of the Spanish, a new aristocracy is born: la bourgeoisie. We are in the Dutch17th Century Golden Age, an age of speculation and money. Money was the new God. But Rembrandt never whored himself.
With Rembrandt we witness something very rare today: a harmony between felt experience, the act of painting and the active passion of the heart. His compassion led him to paint beggars, the poor, the simple folks, and the Jewish people with whom he felt a strong affinity and whom he respected so much.
In the whole history of art, there is none like Rembrandt. His continuous self interrogation urged him to paint a series of uncompromising self-portraits, some 90 of them, which spans his entire life. We shall look together at some of these self-portraits and decipher, recognize, appreciate the depth of their psychological power.
We shall look at his most famous works, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp, The Night Watch, The Jewish Bride, Saul and Solomon, Danae, The Prodigal Son, the Beef Carcass, and many others, pausing and pondering on the magic of his art, his heart wrenching portrayal of the human condition.
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