7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Power, Politics, Pride

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, March 24, 26, 28, 1-3pm
Instituto Allende
$400 Instituto Allende or via PayPal https://www.instituto-allende.edu.mx/en/lifelonglearningprogram18

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Monumental Power, Politics and Pride

Lifelong Learnng

Although most people today are aware of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, few can name all seven. Perhaps fewer still realize that throughout much of its history, the list was never static. From the time of its creation in the 3rd century BCE until the Renaissance when the list finally became canonized, “wonders” were added and removed from the list according to such factors as political expediency, religious affiliation, and personal taste.

This course will examine the various monuments that earned “wonder” status, exploring the reasons for each one’s construction and why each was deemed marvelous. In the process we will note how each of these monuments served to enhance the status of the person or community that created it. In a similar way, by reviewing the cultural climate in which the list was initially created, together with the historical circumstances that motivated changes to the list, this course will investigate how the list of the Seven Wonders has promoted notions of cultural, political, and religious supremacy from antiquity to the present.

Jennifer Tobin earned two BAs from Stanford University (in Classical Studies and English Literature) and took her PhD in Classical Archaeology from the University of Pennsylvania. From 1992-97, she was an Assistant Professor at Bilkent University, in Ankara, Turkey and after a short stint teaching at Arizona State University, took a position in the Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Professor Tobin has worked on archaeological projects in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, and Jordan. She is an author of several books and numerous articles. Her most recent publications include two monographs on the Seven Wonders of the World, both of which are currently in press.

How to Register At the Instituto Allende or via PayPal at https://www.instituto-allende.edu.mx/en/lifelonglearningprogram18

Fees: MXN 400


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