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Welcome to San Miguel Sunday

Four years ago this month, here in San Miguel, we started publishing an online magazine. Four years we've published articles each week. Four years we've never made a peso from it.

Times change.

We just sold our first advertisement in our magazine. We decided to start at the top, with Agave Sotheby's International Realty. We are more than a little proud that Agave Sotheby's considers us a good vehicle to keep their name (and properties) in the public's eye.

So, in honor of that honor, we've gone to our A-game, rebranding and expanding the magazine. This includes contracting with Daniela Contreras to produce a weekly series of "About Town" videos. Daniela has just arrived in San Miguel from Guanajuato City, where she produced a three hour television show 5 days a week. She's great.

Great also is the agreement of Alberto Lenz (former Director of Bellas Artes and so much more) to regularly contribute his erudition to our pages.

Speaking of erudition, see, in this week's issue, Carlos Chancellor's article (and video), The Prostitute Archetype.

For four years the magazine didn't have a name of its own. Now it does... San Miguel Sunday. In the grand tradition of Sunday publishing we offer you something to read with your bagel or croissant.

Read (and watch) on,

Dr David, Editor / Publisher


photo: Alessandro Bo (cropped)

Dr David welcomes you to San Miguel Sunday. Anyone with any interest in contributing articles is heartily encouraged to contact him at the email below. The "Best City in the World" deserves a good lokkal magazine.

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