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12 Astrology Banners
Exhibition, Cafe Santa Ana

The 12 Astrology Banners were originally created for the 2019 MyStudio-MiEstudio event in Colonia San Antonio. The first installment of 6 of 12 banners were on on display at the Santa Ana Cafe at the Biblioteca from August 5th to September 2nd. Currently the second half, July, August, September, October, November and December will be on display @ Cafe Santa Ana until September 30th.

Each Banner is 3 feet x 9 feet, are full of colorful whimsical creatures and beings with concepts created by twelve different artists from Colonia San Antonio:

July / Cancer
August / Leo
September / Aries
October / Libra
November / Scorpio

December / Sagittarius
by David Gutierres (Spray Painting)
by Ri Anderson (Computer generated Images)
by Graciel Perez (Painting)
by Miguel Hernandez (Painting)
by Linda Soberman (Computer generated
by Hope Palmer (Painting)

Look forward to a new set of banners being created for the next MyStudio-MiEstudio Event in 2020. We will also be teaming up with The Instituto for select artists.

Banners are for sale @ US $450 / 9000 pesos each. Interested in a purchase, please contact Octavio in the Bibllioteca Administration Office.


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