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Awakening Your Sensuality
Workshop, Saturday, Sept. 28

by Sonali Deepika Nanayakkara

"What do you do?" is a relatively common question when first meeting someone, at least in the U.S. This is less so in San Miguel. Still we all get curious about how those of us who are not yet retired are making a living here. My work requires a little more explanation than most. I am still figuring out how to explain what a Sensuality Coach is.

It's still hard for me to believe, that during all of my years of conventional medical and psychiatric training, I never learned what it meant to connect with the body. Anatomy class taught me how to the structure and how to dissect a body. Physiology taught me the functioning of the organs. Biochemistry taught me the chemicals in the body. Years of psychiatry training taught me how the mind worked; how our perceptions affect our feels and behavior.

Yet, oddly, it wasn't until years later, after I left my practice and most of my belongings and set out on a quest to learn more about holistic healing that I began to learn what it means to connect with the body. I found myself at a retreat in Sayulita called Wild Bliss. It was there, at a women's tantra retreat with an intense schedule of practices, that I started a journey of true connection to my body.

At that point, I made the decision to embark on an deep dive into a training for Coaching on Sexuality, Love and Relationships. This training is based on the core values that sexuality is beautiful, pure-love sustains us all and that meaningful relationships are necessary for a joyful, fulfilling life.

I found this training to be unique in that it started with over 3 months of work aimed at our own personal transformation. We worked with embodiment, pleasure and breathwork practices, along with guided meditation and other techniques. These facilitate a process of gently removing the blockages, fears and contractions around our sexuality, hearts and relationships to reveal the wholeness and health that was always there.

So what does a Sensuality Coach do? A sensuality coach serves as a guide to help people connect to the wisdom, the sensations, the deeper truth, the true essence that are present in their bodies. Being in touch with the body awakens a level of presence and consciousness that can change everything about the way a person moves through life. There are many tools including breath, movement, energy, and meditation that can serve to facilitate this connection.

I know from experience that making decisions in life from an embodied place is life-changing. All too often we make decisions solely from our minds without accessing our deeper truth. In doing so, we miss opportunities to connect to our purpose and to our passion, to form meaningful connections in relationships and to generally experience more pleasure in life. These are just some of the benefits of accessing the connection within and of finding the path that brings us closer to bliss. In future articles and in my upcoming workshop (see below) I will be sharing more.


Are you often burdened with expectation and judgment?
Do you want to increase your sense of compassion for yourself and others?
Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your vibrancy?
Using guided meditation, breath work and a variety of coaching tools, Sonali will guide you on a journey to tap into your desires and thrive in your body!

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Sonali Deepika Nanayakkara, M.D., ABIHM is a holistic and integrative physician with a passion for guiding people to honor the sacred nature of their bodies and to connect to the deep wisdom which lies within. She spent nearly 20 years in Chicago studying and practicing conventional medicine, specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry. Along the way, she developed a keen interest in holistic forms of healing and became passionate about the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Tantra and Taoism.

Sonali completed training programs through the Maharishi Ayurveda Association of America as well as the Chopra Center University, founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra. Her path eventually led her to complete a coaching program related to Sexuality, Love and Relationships where there is an invitation to celebrate our sensual nature and live authentically as integrated beings. She currently practices as a Sensuality Coach at:


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