by Juanita Benedicto
Monday's full moon in Virgo marks the last full moon of winter. Native Americans of the southern tribes knew it as the Worm Moon after the earthworm casts that appeared on the ground as it thawed. Tribes of the northeastern states called this moon the Crow Moon. During this time of year, the crows—a messenger between the worlds—would signal the end of winter with their cawing. Both the casts and the crows symbolize the yielding of the old to the new, of Lazarus stirring in the tomb, of the miracle of regeneration.
What's notable about this lunation is that all the planets are in feminine signs (water & earth) except for Mercury who stations direct later today in Aquarius. The reference point here is internal—an inside job—rather than any culminating external event. Part of our karmic DNA is coming online as, kind of like those earthworms, we leave behind the husk selves we've transitioned from the past two and a half years, purging and realigning with our values.
We're at the moment of quickening where we feel the stir of new life inside. 2020 and 2021 is a time of rapid evolution in our thinking. We'll also witness acceleration in technology in fields such as genetics, transportation, medicine, quantum physics, transhumanism, communication, and climate change. The ruler of this Moon, a powerfully stationed Mercury in Aquarius, is an emissary of the themes—such as those mentioned above—we'll be grappling with as Saturn enters Aquarius on the 22nd followed by Jupiter the end of this year. Mercury, the messenger between the worlds, aligns nicely with the Crow Moon, another messenger, as an an omen of the revolutionary leaps in our future.
Given the changes we're moving into, the Full Moon in Virgo asks us to optimize. How can we better fuel our bodies and minds? Can we declutter our thinking and our diets so that our energetic fields are pure and strong? How can we be of service? Essentially, how do we become the best version of ourselves so that we show up as a beneficial presence on the planet?
Two other signatures are present at this lunation. 1) Neptune conjunct the Sun would have us lean into our spirituality, understanding that we're all on this journey together. Your pain is my pain. Your joy is my joy. Instead of thinking of gender, race and nationality, we pare down to the essence: one planet and we're all the same. Together we thrive. 2) Venus conjunct Uranus wants to wake us up to the reality of our inherent interdependence on this beautiful planet, our mother, and how we need to realign ourselves to respectfully steward her resources.
This is a time of regeneration where the impulses that humanity has been seeded with since inception are beginning to emerge in some of us. As the emanation spreads, we optimize our frequency and we become aware of who we are and of our responsibility during this time; we will arise from our old husks as crows caw the end of what has been a very long Winter.
Juanita Benedicto is a consulting astrologer and tarot reader. She lives in San Miguel de Allende where she enjoys listening to the sounds of church bells, roosters, and wind. When she's not pouring over natal charts, she's wandering the hills with her rescue pup, a Red Heeler named Yara. For consultations she can be reached at: