If you are God-averse, substitute Mind. Mind, consciousness is a bonafide, scientific concept... and we all have it. In fact most of us, averse as we are to uncertainty, go about, more or less as if we do know everything. That is the point of the Scientific American article.
Believing that we know it all, sticking to our guns, being unable to consider new information that lies outside our accepted interpretation is why we are so divided as a society. It is also what prevents us from coming to new understanding that would solve our problems.
We need to move from an Us and Them mentality to a more inclusive definition of who we are. And, despite what is being taught at American universities, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you, American society has been doing just for the six decades that I've been on the planet.
Black, white, brown, yellow, red... labeling things "racist" divides society. Saving the environment and creating a more just economy is not served by identity politics. Politics has always been about creating alliances.
Know-it-alls are boring. You can cultivate being surprised by embracing uncertainty.
As the man in the video said, Nobel Prizes are won by people who are willing to think outside the box, who are open to being surprised.
Dr David a victim of the Hippie movement, is still trying to change the world. He and his merry band believe that with their new expanded Lokkal it just might happen. (On your screens soon.)