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Earth First

Dr. David, Editor / Publisher

My girlfriend A. was a radical environmentalist. Borderline autistic, she was extremely sensitive. She was also a classical violinist. Having been discovered at a Yale composers' symposium by the head of Lincoln Center, she was invited to perform for Yitzchak Perlman. She did so, wowing the maestro and his guests at one of his Saturday night soirees. When I asked her what it was about her performance that had so impressed Mr. Perlman, she responded, "My sensitivity."

My credentials in what follows is that I myself was sensitive enough to cohabit with this exquisitely refined creature for seven years, and, that radical environmentalist that she was, she referred to me as, "The most environmental person I know." I generate very little waste. I buy very few new things. I am not one of those she referred to as "Earth-eaters."

Human beings are story-tellers. Whether it is around the campfire or the dinner table, in front of a book or a screen, we like a good yarn. Some of these stories we hold dear; we believe in them, organize our lives around and through them, bind ourselves to them.

This is the etymology of the word "religion." Religio is the Latin word "to bind." Show me that in which a person believes, that in which he has faith, and I will show you his religion. It may be following the science, intersectional politics or American exceptionalism, but fundamentalism abounds. This is true even when you take God out of the picture. Perhaps then it especially so.

Among others, I am disposed to the religion of radical environmentalism. Long before climate change worried us about destroying the planet as a whole, that we are, at least, ruining great parts of it was obvious.

Back when I was dating A., the radical environmentalists of Earth First movement were carrying out various actions designed to save our Mother Earth. One of these actions was a series of fires at auto dealerships destroying Earth-eating SUV's. The arsonist, one "Free," was apprehended, convicted and sentenced to a lengthy prison term. The authorities wanted to nip that one in the bud. A. wrote to Free in prison. He never answered. Most probably, he was never allowed to receive her letter.

Let me expose some of my radicalism and religion by reminding you that the Internet started out as a military project and has always been pressed into the service of the surveillance state. The new 5G Internet technology, rolling out to such fanfare, a tower coming to your neighborhood soon, will not improve your life much, if at all. It will, however, improve the ability of the government and our internet overlords to collect the information from our smart devices: televisions, refrigerators, thermostats, Alexa, Siri... Those appliances that are sensitive to our every move. Your television is watching you.

We know that "they" are watching everyone, keeping track of everything. But some of us are monitored more closely than others. People who correspond with imprisoned, radical environmentalist arsonists come in for such special scrutiny.

When A., who holds dual Canadian and American citizenship, tried to cross into British Columbia. She was detained by Canadian officials. She told me about being led down a maze of long hallways, pulling her suitcase behind her and crying. They interviewed her and, judging her no threat to national security, let her enter.

I have another radical environmentalist friend, X., here in San Miguel. These labels are really a form of violence, but X., while perhaps not actually on the autistic spectrum, is certainly extremely sensitive. As A. was, while X. is very comfortable with me, I've seen him react quite uncomfortable in general society. That some of my best friends are so inclined, no doubt says something about my own tendency towards autism.

Following up on a recent talk of ours, I recently sent X. a short video (especially starting at 8:11) on nuclear power. The presenter of the TED talk, a candidate in the California's current gubernatorial primaries, after outlining the inadequacies of solar and wind, went on to suggest, that nuclear was the safe alternative. He explained that nuclear waste is contained while the waste products of the burning of coal go up in smoke, polluting and causing millions of deaths (graphic), not to mention respiratory and other diseases.

X. wrote back, "I watched most of the video... I'm aware of the arguments. They are worthy of consideration, but only in the context of a lesser-of-the-evils conversation, not a conversation I'm much interested in."

Utopianism, like its more obviously religious cousins, millennialism and messianism, imagines a perfect, heavenly, world. The kids on the street are of the opinion that if a bunch of old white men would just get out of the way, everything would be a lot better. The progressives believe that government has the duty, capacity and wisdom to legislate away our social problems. Heaven may exist, but, here on Earth, I think the lesser-of-the-evils is the conversation we need to have, concerning nuclear power and a lot of other things.

Meanwhile, I continue to do my part for the revolution. "Organize," the workers' unionizing mantra, is my own. I am a community organizer, like Barack Obama was. Ok, maybe not like Barack Obama.

My Lokkal project, a local social network, builds community and strengthens the local economy. Like public television presented an alternative to commercial TV, Lokkal presents a healthy, alternative to the current sicko internet environment. The Internet del Pueblo (the People's or Town's / City's Internet), Lokkal is a non-commercial foundation that functions as a public utility, with all profits "returned" to the community. The local community (undivided by artificial party affiliations) is the most natural political entity.

A new, radical technology, Lokkal is a grassroots revolution. It's a very efficient, attractive window on what's going on in town, and it's really fun to use. Please take a look. There's new content daily:

If you wanted to start a world-changing movement, San Miguel de Allende would be a good place to begin. We are the change.


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