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Maru Vázquez - Visual Codes
Opening - Saturday, Dec. 3

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Visual codes are those elements, sometimes more intangible than tangible, that allow us to decode the world around us, to understand the reason for the existence of things or their nature.

Since coming to live in San Miguel, this magical and wonderful place, I have received a lot of information at a sensory level that has led me to heal my being and to understand the purpose of my change of place and life.



When I arrived here I realized how broken I felt. I found in the pandemic an opportunity. As many of us have, around the globe, I recognized a need to start over.

As I reached my 60th revolution around the Sun, I realized that my life was a renaissance. In changing cities, from Mexico City to San Miguel, I connected with a silence living here. So I was led to live in an indescribable inner healing and inner peace, which I had not known before.



The confinement we lived with during the pandemic helped me to listen to my inner voice and renew my internal structure in an organic, slow, colloquial way, returning me to my authentic language and innermost feelings.

From that moment on, my sensitivity increased. My meditations became more intense, deeper. My work acquired another meaning and a true cause that gave it the sense to serve, to support and to grow.

I became more accustomed to my inner work. It became clearer, guiding me on the way. My intuition became the compass of all.



This exhibition really is my gratitude to the visual codes that have been shown to me about this place: the world, the mountains, the earth, the complexity of emotions, the encounter with light, the encounter with me, the ability to observe carefully what happens inside and most importantly around me.

These codes are more than me. They are the maps of the Universe as gifted through me to my hands; maps now gifted to the people who resonate with them, with me, with how I understand things today and with the importance of each of them in full depth.

I am a Soul who became a being with a designed personal code, to try to be and do better, to continue developing the gifts bestowed upon me and to put them at the service of this place and the people who inhabit it.



I was drawn to San Miguel and I was brought here not only to heal myself, but to find those codes that were previously indecipherable for me and find a way for them to heal others.

This little collection is my interpretation of what I have found here and of everything for which I thank San Miguel.


Maru Vázquez - Visual Codes
Opening - Saturday, December 3, 5-7:30pm
Fabrica La Aurora Art Walk
Calderoni Gallery


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