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The Adventures of Martín Buen Viaje
August 27, 2023

by Martín Buen Viaje

This is the the translated voice of the visually beautiful 2-minute video below.

I am a hunter of myths and stories, an explorer of mystery.

I search in every expedition, the connection of the animals of power through their myths with the original peoples.

It was not always like this; before I was in the world of haste, of duty to be, trapped in that prison of being a slave to the future, to goals and money.

Until one day, agave, a drink of mezcal and a conversation on a lost ranch in Oaxaca with an old mezcal master transformed me.

Then, a hummingbird guided me and the magical Mexico caught me.

Not everything was a good journey; on the way there were many deaths and rebirths as I faced my worst fears and also desires, where daily I try to detach myself.

Between rituals and ceremonies my reasons lost all its moves.

My intellect had little to do in this path of daily discovery, which never ends.

In each trip I activate my best compass, that of my heart, leaving the rudder to my intuition.

In every adventure we try to make a leap of FAITH.

That's why now I go more to animals, our big brothers.

They teach me to connect more with my animal side and thus better develop my instincts.

I no longer consider myself Argentinean or Mexican; I feel that I am a universal citizen and my cosmic nature, my new religion.

My language is that of the stars, where through frequencies, vibrations and energies I try to understand the universe.

It is always better when I let my atoms and molecules take control.

In the end I believe that time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think.

And what we have called matter is energy, so everyone if they believe, will create their own reality.

I am just trying to be. Join me. I am Martín Buen Viaje.


Martín Buen Viaje is an explorer of native peoples. He explores pre-Hispanic mythology and its connection with power animals through their myths, making expeditions with naturalists, biologists, scientists, geologists, naturists, artists and shamans among others.

His aim is hte recovery of the sacred bond and brotherhood with animals, to better coexist with them and recover harmony at home, body, mind and spirit.

He is a member of the board of directors of Huerto Roma Verde CDMX, a representative in San Miguel de Allende of Extinction Rebellion, an ambassador of the Quetzal of the Triunfo Forest Reserve in Chiapas, a member of Hatch, journalist in Lokkal, photographer, documentalist, content generator, former publicist....


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