by Martín Buen Viaje
It would have been great if in school they had taught me "Time Management." That way I would have been able to reach my current level of what Facundo Cabral calls "Vagabond First Class" faster.
But since the "would have" was more elusive than chasing utopia, I spent 25 years on the work-15-hour-days train, the should-be train and the quick-and-easy-money-making-machine train . If you didn't get on that train, they looked at you like the hippie distant relative that no one wants to visit.
Recently, a client who hired me told me: "Martín, those who don't have a car are screwed." I kept thinking in silence, because I no longer have a car; I traded it for a bicycle and a motorbike. But I preferred not to answer that, since I'm enjoying the "way of time" like never before, and the subtle art of not giving a damn about anything that doesn't come from the heart, humility or truth. This is difficult to explain to those who do not have time to listen or who believe they are always right.
I had my own company starting when I was 17 years old, with a car, a house and even a boat. At 23, I was traveling on business to New York and various countries, all to try and prove I was important. I still think I'm still trying to say "Hey I was someone important before." The issue is that during that time I let my best dreams and passions pass through a sewer.
Although now I have fewer ocean liners to drag (pay salaries, taxes or arguments with partners), I have the freedom to have more time to do what I like the most: go to Casa Shala to be with the family, to philosophize, to watch sunsets, to eat a healthy organic breakfast, to support young people who are just starting out and, above all, to continue with the expeditions to understand the language of the stars and animals, our older brothers.
How I wish that those who appear on TikTok saying that you can become a millionaire just by listening to a Tesla vibration would go to hell. (I have to work on anger, sorry.)
Today, seeing reality through new lenses, I notice that slavery has taken on a modern version: that of social media and artificial intelligence (AI). Yes, I admit that I am still a "technological slave," but at least I use it to let go of what weighs me down or express what I like in these new uncensored media.
I believe in that science of gravity that allows you to float like a drifting hot air balloon, inflated with happiness, without concern for the path you choose, without a rudder, without control, just depending on how the wind blows. Because if there is something I learned the hard way, it is that the universe always gets its way. So I am left with happiness from time to time. I feel, dear know-it-alls who think otherwise, that you will only be able to navigate better by letting go of your reason. And if you manage to understand the laws of quantum you can be a sidereal ethernaut of consciousness and become an avatar.
That state-of-the-art technology that drones, planes and rockets now boast, according to my humble understanding as an Argentine, now an interstellar citizen, was much more advanced in its ancestral version among the original peoples, our ancestors. Telepathic arts were highly developed aboard the Mayan or Egyptian ship of time.
AI is resonating like a dystopian pop star. Songs arise from suffering. That is, they are based on the complex and internal human struggle of creation. As far as I know, the algorithms do not feel. "Data doesn't suffer," Nick Cave.
On the other hand, it seems that chatbots all became shamans or psychologists, giving advice faster than a peddler at a fair. I also fell into that trap, but now I share from the heart, not from reason. I share what I think nourishes me and what continues to hurt me. For those who like to listen, who Namaste it, Namaste to you. Everyone else can unfollow me.
After all, the only sure thing is death; the rest is relative, as Einstein said.
These days, I only have one belief: that there is no purpose; it's just about living.
Martín Buen Viaje is an explorer of native peoples. He explores pre-Hispanic mythology and its connection with power animals through their myths, making expeditions with naturalists, biologists, scientists, geologists, naturists, artists and shamans among others.
His aim is hte recovery of the sacred bond and brotherhood with animals, to better coexist with them and recover harmony at home, body, mind and spirit.
He is a member of the board of directors of Huerto Roma Verde CDMX, a representative in San Miguel de Allende of Extinction Rebellion, an ambassador of the Quetzal of the Triunfo Forest Reserve in Chiapas, a member of Hatch, journalist in Lokkal, photographer, documentalist, content generator, former publicist....
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