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The Music in Our Lives
July 16, 2023

by José Luis Mendoza

Music, that wonderful thing that touches our souls, has been an incredibly important part of my life for as long as I can remember. It has transported me to magical worlds and has been a faithful companion through my deepest emotions, sorrows, loves, and heartaches.

As many of you know, I have been a teacher for over 30 years, with countless experiences of all kinds. I have always loved teaching, especially young people and teenagers. The other day, a car drove by blasting music at full volume. Inside, a group of young people (both women and men) were listening to a very special reggaeton song. It was filled with a string of curses, explicit sexual references, and derogatory remarks about supposed partners or girlfriends. I looked around at the people nearby, and they could all perfectly hear the lyrics of the song, but nobody bothered to turn and see where that torrent of curses was coming from. One person sitting on a bench started tapping their foot to the rhythm without even lifting their eyes from their newspaper...

My mind immediately went back to a recent memory. I had a student who was around 18 years old and loved listening to music with violent and aggressive lyrics. I never thought it could have such a negative impact on her life. One day, unfortunately, she got into a fight with a neighbor. The music she used to listen to had fueled her anger, and the situation spiraled out of control. The consequences were serious, and she ended up in jail.

This memory made me think and realize just how powerful music can be in our lives. It can influence us more than we think. If we listen to songs that talk about violence, crime, and negativity, those ideas can seep into our minds and affect our thoughts and actions. It's no wonder that studies have shown a correlation between constant exposure to aggressive music and increased aggression, as well as disruptions in our inner peace and emotional stability.

Music, that delicious universal artistic expression, has played a fundamental role in human life throughout history. Its influence on our spirit, behavior, personal fulfillment, and therapy has been studied from countless perspectives. Today, as a curious explorer, I want to delve into the significant impact that music has on us, focusing on its ability to evoke emotions, promote well-being, and affect mental health.

Music, as a form of non-verbal communication, has the power to transmit emotions and elicit emotional responses within us. Scientific research has shown that music can activate brain circuits related to emotional processing and the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which can generate feelings of pleasure and well-being. Additionally, it has been observed that music can have therapeutic effects in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and even improve cognitive performance and memory.

However, it is important to note that the "quality" of the music we listen to plays a crucial role in its impact on our mental health and human behavior in general. Music that glorifies violence and promotes negative values can have a negative influence on our inner peace and emotional state. This is especially true when it is consumed by individuals who are still in their formative years, namely teenagers. They may normalize disrespect towards themselves and others, and idealize characters, events, and situations that are frankly criminal. Studies have shown a correlation between exposure to music with aggressive content and increased aggression in individuals.

Music has been shown to have a strong and decisive impact on us. Its emotional, therapeutic, and cognitive effects have been extensively researched, and its ability to influence well-being and mental health has been evident. However, caution and discernment are required when selecting the music we consume. Constant exposure to music that promotes violence and negative values can disturb our inner peace and emotional stability. Unfortunately, some media outlets, driven by unconsciousness and greed, will publish any garbage music as long as it brings them substantial profits, without realizing or caring that they are shaping the tastes of their audience.

It is essential to promote conscious consumption of music, of any genre, by choosing compositions that nurture the spirit, inspire positive emotions, and foster constructive values. Music can be a powerful tool for positive personal growth, emotional connection, and the construction of a more peaceful, conscious, content, and fulfilling society. As individuals, we can choose to cultivate a musical environment that promotes harmony, respect, and peace, thereby contributing to our own well-being and the collective welfare. What do you think?


José Luis Mendoza Aubert: actor, director and theater technician; teacher and writer of Theater and Plastic Arts; founder and director of the Comedia del Universo theater company and school, operating in San Miguel for the last 20 years; musicologist and cinephile, judge of the En Corto Film Festival now GIFF for 8 years; Director of Art and Culture of the Public Library for 15 years; member of the board of directors of El Sindicato Centro Cultural Comunitario.

José Luis gives talks and workshops on environmental awareness in schools and communities. He is a founding member of the Allende la Cultura Collective. He plays Veracruz music and writes poetry and is a founding member of the music group Jarocha "Soledad".


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