Territorial Defense in Wirikuta
by Martín Buen Viaje
Botanical Garden as a Tool for Territorial Defense in Wirikuta
It is an honor to have adopted Lalo for a few days at Casa Shala. Eduardo Guzmán is a social fighter, ejidatario of Las Margaritas and member of the collective Sincronía Wirikuta. I had the opportunity to interview him and learn a little more about his journey and his vision of the social fabric of some of the most sacred places in the world. He also shared with me about the creation of a botanical garden in the territory, below is a summary of the interview I did with him on my Instagram channel @martinbuenviaje.
A Transformative Encounter
Lalo came accompanied by representatives of the Wixárika community, and by a representative of the ejido of Las Margaritas. Eduardo attended the Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association of Botanical Gardens, now in its 40th year, held at the majestic Charco del Ingenio in San Miguel de Allende. This four-day event was more than just a conference; it was an opportunity to connect with the founders of Mexico's leading botanical gardens and learn about the importance of places like the Charco, which are not only plant museums, but also biocultural heritages.
Guardians of Biodiversity
Botanical gardens, such as Charco del Ingenio, transcend their function as plant exhibits. They are educational centers that merge science and art, fostering a culture of respect for nature. They are biodiversity refuges that house a vast collection of cacti and plants from all over Mexico. They also integrate with local communities, promoting culture and respect for the native peoples who have been the guardians of these spaces.
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The Struggle for the Sacred Land
In Wirikuta, the struggle against mining and industrial agro-extractivism has been constant. The land and its resources are sacred to the Wixárika people. Eduardo participated in a network of support for the farming communities of Wirikuta and the Wixárika people to defend their sacred altar. In March, a a historic ceremony in Wirikuta, they were received by Mexican President AMLO, who recently issued a decree to protect the sacred sites.
Wirikuta: The Spiritual Heart
Wirikuta is more than a geographical place; it is a pre-Hispanic altar, a living altar, pre-Corn, pre-Chichimeca, Lalo tells me. Its care and protection are a shared responsibility, in which the active participation of the Wixárika community and millenary knowledge are essential.
Towards a Sustainable Future
The project called "Center for Environmental Regeneration and Good Living Practices" seeks to foster a conscious and regenerative tourism that promotes respect and support for these sacred places. The goal is to multiply the beauty of the area, protecting endangered species and sharing the sacred values of the Wixárika community with the world.
The Wirikuta Pharmacy
Wirikuta is a natural pharmacy, with medicinal plants such as peyote, chaparro amargo, sangre de drago and many more. Their knowledge and vision are transmitted throug their singers.
Anti-Rain Technology
Challenges include preventing the use of anti-rain technology, technology that disrupts the normal rain cycle, that affects biodiversity and the economy of farmers, often forcing them to sell their land.
The Lenes
Peyote is still considered a drug under Mexican law. A carve-out in the laws is needed. It would be convenient to protect it as a national patrimony and to shield it against he patent of pharmaceutical companies.
Wirikuta Synchrony
The work of Sincronía Wirikuta, a collective that began in 2022, has managed to summon a worldwide resonance in the ceremony of renewal of the world, uniting 700 mirror altars in several countries, such as Italy, France, Indonesia, Mexico City (Huerto Roma Verde) and many more. This is a testimony to the power of spirtuality, art and science in harmony.
In conclusion, Wirikuta and beings like Eduardo Guzman remind us of the importance of uniting spirituality, art and science to protect our land and its rich biodiversity. Botanical gardens like Charco del Ingenio are beacons of hope in this struggle, where culture and respect for nature intertwine for a more sustainable future.
My thanks to:
Lalo and Wixarika family for coming home.
To Casa Shala my sanctuary
El Charco del Ingenio-Jardín Botánico, Mario Arturo Hernández Peña, Cesar Arias and team for preserving the heritage of El Charco Ingenio, lung of San Miguel de Allende.
And to the younger ones, David de la Torre, Ivan Kuxan Sum, Gerardo Ruiz Smith, Tania for continuing sowing, weaving and harvesting the legacy of the grandparents and providing hope for the future.
Martín Buen Viaje is an explorer of native peoples. He explores pre-Hispanic mythology and its connection with power animals through their myths, making expeditions with naturalists, biologists, scientists, geologists, naturists, artists and shamans among others.
>His aim is hte recovery of the sacred bond and brotherhood with animals, to better coexist with them and recover harmony at home, body, mind and spirit.
He is a member of the board of directors of Huerto Roma Verde CDMX, a representative in San Miguel de Allende of Extinction Rebellion, an ambassador of the Quetzal of the Triunfo Forest Reserve in Chiapas, a member of Hatch, journalist in Lokkal, photographer, documentalist, content generator, former publicist....
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