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Fusión Colonche 432
A Musical Experience
September 10, 2023

by Lokkal

Are you a music lover in search of a unique and enriching experience? Would you like to immerse yourself in the richness of Latin American music with an innovative twist? Then, you can't afford to miss the opportunity to attend the performances of Fusión Colonche 432, a select and refined musical group that is captivating hearts with its unique and passionate sound.

Discover the Magic of Musical Fusion

Fusión Colonche 432 is not your typical musical ensemble. This exceptional trio is composed of three talented musicians: Nadia Merkel, Oscar Martínez Heredia, and José Luis Mendoza Aubert, who have merged their skills and passions to create a truly exceptional musical experience.

A Journey Through the Rhythms of Latin America

What makes Fusión Colonche 432 so special is their musical diversity. This group delves into a wide range of genres, including Son Jarocho, Son Cubano, Cha cha cha, Cumbia, Boleros, among others. Their ability to navigate these varied musical currents is truly impressive, and it will take you on a journey through the sounds and rhythms of all of Latin America.

Three Masters of Music in Action

Nadia Merkel, Oscar Martínez Heredia, and José Luis Mendoza Aubert are true masters of their instruments and voices. Nadia excels in the jarana and strings, in addition to her angelic voice and energetic zapateado and percussion. Oscar, on the other hand, adds a unique touch with his requinto jarocho, cello, and percussion mastery. José Luis contributes the strength with his leona, contrabass, tres cubano, harmonicas, and versada. Together, they create a sound that will leave you breathless.

The Fusion of the Ancient and the New

Fusión Colonche 432 holds a deep respect for musical traditions. They rescue ancient Son Jarocho melodies, some dating back over 400 years, and present them with special, artistic, and theatrical arrangements. But they don't stop there. They also incorporate poetry into their performances, including décimas, cuartetos, sextetos, seguidillas, and more. Furthermore, they draw inspiration from the great versadores of the tradition and infuse their own compositions, adding a contemporary and personal touch to their repertoire.

Dates in September

If you're curious to experience the magic of Fusión Colonche 432, here are some dates you won't want to miss in September 2023:

Every Tuesday at Café 1910 from 9:30 to 11 am. Calle Esperanza # 22, Colonia San Antonio.
Thursdays, 7th and 21st, at Geek and Coffee at 5:30 pm. Fabrica la Aurora.
Saturday, 9th, at 6:30 pm at Restaurant and Music House Paprika. Ancha de San Antonio # 7.
Friday, 15th, at L'otel Casa Arca from 3 to 5 pm. Calle Relox # 22, centro.
Saturday, 16th, from 6 to 7:20 pm in San Diego de la Unión, Guanajuato.
Friday, 29th, at L'otel Casa Arca from 4 to 6 pm. Calle Relox # 22, centro.

Join the Experience of Fusión Colonche 432

Don't miss these opportunities to immerse yourself in the magic of Latin American music with Fusión Colonche 432. This group will not only captivate you with their music but will also take you on an emotional journey through the sounds and traditions of Latin America. Attend their performances and discover why they are a true musical treasure!


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