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Kings of the Campo
3 Kings' Day Toy Drive

September 24, 2023

by Les Pearson

Many of the children in the rural communities around San Miguel never receive anything on Three Kings Day, the traditional yuletide gift-giving day here in Mexico.

The Three Kings Toy Drive Program was started about 14 years ago by a Canadian couple John and Sharon Doherty. They spearheaded the collection of toys by placing collection boxes in various venues around town. With the help of volunteers, these toys were picked up after Christmas, sorted, wrapped, and, a day before January 6, delivered to children in the campo.

The Dohertys' efforts were a great success, but it was also a great amount of work. About seven years ago, John asked me if I would take over the project. I said that I would if he did not mind my making a few changes.

The big changes I wanted to make was to make sure that each child received a similar gift, and to make the process less labor intensive. With this in mind I decided that each boy (and any girl who wanted one) would receive a soccer ball. Each girl would receive a colorful bag with an assortment of small gifts inside.

I found a supplier at the Tuesday market that would supply the bags and contents, and all I had to do was pick them up and pay for them. This eliminated having to stuff the bags, and also the dreaded wrapping. So far, so good.

I then found a small village about 45 minutes from San Miguel that was a cooperative, whose residents make soccer balls by hand.

In October, I would order and pay the soccer balls. Then, just before the New Year, they would deliver the balls to me uninflated. With a small group of helpers, we would blow up the balls. Again, we eliminated the need for wrapping.

These changes have proven to be a great success. The joy on the faces of the children when we go out to the campo to deliver the gifts is a sight to behold.

When we arrive at the villages with the gifts for the children, our volunteers are dressed up as kings complete with a crown. The children are in lines on the playground quietly and patiently waiting for us. Then they come forward one at a time to receive their gift and a hug.

Having probably never seen a king, or someone dressed up like one, getting a present from such a royal personage is a joy and a memory for them.

Their smiles tell it all -- or almost all -- because my volunteers receive presents of another, less-tangible kind. Each of them tells me that this day is the most special of the year for them.

Many, if not most, of the expats living here give back in our own ways to the town that has taken us in, adopted and accepted us. Three Kings gift giving is very special for me. But I know that I couldn't do it alone. In fact, none of it would happen without the amazing generosity of people here and all over the world who donate to the project, allowing us to reach out to some of the children living in the campo.

I always go back to the villages the day after they receive their gifts to see them on the dirt roads and outside their shacks playing with the balls or enjoying the gifts in their bags. The reward for me is knowing that the children feel loved and special, not just in their families, but in the world.

Now, instead of asking for toys, as were the Doherty's, I ask for a cash donation, Gracias a dios, every year I raise enough money. Last year was a record; we gave gifts to over 1,100 children in the campo.

If you live in town, I am happy to come pick up your contribution and explain more about the project, if you'd like. Or, you can contribute directly to my PayPal account:

Thank you so much.

Best wishes,
Les Pearson

Thanks for your donation.


Les Pearson: I was born and raised in England and stayed there till I was 21 years old. I then emigrated to Bermuda and joined their police force where I served for ten years.

In 1980 I emigrated to a small community in Alberta, Canada where I lived for 14 years before moving to Vancouver Island. When I retired in 2006 I bought an RV and for six years traveled all over Canada, the States and Mexico, which is how I discovered San Miguel, moving here permanently in 2012.

I am blessed to be in great health. I'm very active in sports, hiking and playing tennis. I love being involved in the community, to give back a little of what this town and residents have given to me.



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