In my presentation Saturday at Camino Silvestre I will share more of my stories, read a few passages from my book and suggest how you too can engage with your inner dragon.
A common image in Chinese art and folklore is a dragon holding a great pearl in its jaws. The pearl symbolizes wisdom and spiritual energy and good fortune.
Many of us have the feeling that we should be making a difference in the world. But where do you begin? The world often seems too big, too dangerous, too overwhelming. Have you ever thought, "I'm just one person. What can I do?"
These are difficult times. Perhaps you think that "a vision" is a luxury in which we cannot afford to indulge. But I affirm that this is the time we most need a greater vision that can pull us forward.
A part of the answer to "what can I do?" is to welcome a vision. A vision is a unique gift that only you can bring to fruition. It's like a seed that with proper attention, can flourish. Your vision can also draw in others who are attracted to what you are doing and who will want to join their efforts to your own. In my talk I'll show you that you can make a difference and grow a vision into a reality.
In 1993, I first had a vision for healing and supporting children caught in the midst of a war engulfing Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia. My vision grew from a meager beginning into a program that eventually touched the lives of over 1,600 children in the Balkans, Northern Ireland, Los Angeles and other places where violence crashed in on the lives of children. I know that such miracles are possible.
People born as Dragons have some distinct qualities that make them effective. And non-dragons have dragonish qualities within them.
Dragon characteristics include vibrancy and energy, creativity, a sense of justice and a passion to set wrong things right. Dragon people are not easily discouraged when faced with obstacles. They are typically ambitious and creative.
San Miguel abounds with people who possess dragon energy, even if they are not aware of it. I encourage you to imagine where your visions will take you.
Awaken Your Inner Dragon, Judith Jenya
Camino Silvestre Salon, Correo 43
Saturday, April 13, 4-5pm
Judith Jenya has earned numerous US and International awards and recognition including being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize highlighting her achievements as a humanitarian and peace activist. Through her commitment to the well-being and safety of children. She has worked in Hawaii, California, Mexico, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Jordan, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosova, N. Ireland, and Ukraine.
She founded and directed Global Children's Organization which brought together children from all sides of armed conflicts. She developed and taught peacemaking and non-violent conflict resolution skills that are in use throughout the world.
Worked as an attorney and mediator in Honolulu, and taught at the East-West Center and The Graduate School of Social Work, UH. She practiced as a psychotherapist and art therapist and was an art teacher.
Artist and writer Painter and photographer with solo exhibitions in Mexico, California, Hawaii, Bosnia. Bi-lingual book of poetry, Aromas de dos Pueblos. Memoir, Memories do not Burn Her articles and short stories have appeared in anthologies and magazines.
She is a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and volunteers with children's organizations in San Miguel Allende where she now lives.
Harvard University, MAT Fine Arts Univ. of California, Berkeley, BA,MSW Richardson School of Law, Univ. of Hawaii, JD
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