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Master Oh, Korean energy master
workshop, Thur-Sun, Aug. 22-25

Master Oh, the Korean energy healer and spiritual teacher with a worldwide following.
August 11, 2024

According to Master Oh, we live in a time of mental health crisis, where people are more disconnected than ever, leading to innumerable issues, from stress to anxiety, low energy, lack of motivation and depression. He says the solution is available for everyone, but most people don't know how to connect to it.

Master Oh's own path to healing began with a series of personal challenges. He struggled with his health and was in and out of hospital as a child, as well as panic attacks, social anxiety and phobias. Inspired by a childhood dream where he healed a crowd of people who were suffering, he decided to dedicate his life to helping others. When he finally found the energy practice that helped him overcome his health issues, he resolved to share it with the world. From that moment, he's never looked back. He founded centres in Australia, Mexico, Europe and worldwide. For 20 years, he settled in London, giving treatments in his Marylebone clinic. But nowadays, he's constantly on the move, compelled to share his message with a wider audience and give them time for deep change to occur.

Master Oh teaches people how to connect with Universal energy and with their true self and, in doing so, overcome any adversity. This practice promotes an understanding that Universal connection can create resilience to mental and physical illness.

Throughout the years, he's always been committed to helping those in need, making trips to South Africa and India with groups of masters and volunteers, offering not just essential supplies but also something even more precious: energy. Concerned about the mental health of its community, the Mexican Red Cross in Reynosa organized a conference led by Master Oh in June this year. A town on the border with America that has a reputation for financial hardship and high levels of crime, they invited over 600 local nurses, paramedics, school children, and members of the community to a large sports hall to hear him speak.

Master Oh explained that everyone wants to be happy and live in harmony, but many face high levels of stress due to daily pressures. During the event, he shared valuable strategies to overcome anxiety, unhappiness and other issues. He was very touched to meet so many people interested in improving their mental health and finding peace and well-being.

As well as expanding on his theories about happiness, how to overcome negativity and the human mind, he led meditations, allowing people to find connection and inner peace. Several participants gave testimonials about how different they felt: completely renewed with a clearer mind and a recharged spirit. At the end, he transmitted powerful energy to the crowd, and people were deeply moved. The director of the Mexican Red Cross Reynosa Delegation, Ana Lilia Huerta gave a speech where she thanked Master Oh for helping thousands of people to recover their health and well-being.


Master Oh's next event will be Journey Into The Light, a powerful 4-day retreat at the Live Aqua Hotel, San Miguel de Allende, where participants have the chance to experience lectures, meditations, energy treatments and classes, culminating in Ancestor Healing, a unique course to heal family karma. Karmic blockages can be the root cause of many deep issues, whether in work, relationships or health, without people even realizing. This is a unique opportunity to recharge, recalibrate and energize your life in a beautiful environment.

Master Oh speaks English, and will be simultaneously translated into Spanish.

Contact his team to find out more:

+52 1 55 7348 5047


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