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A Family Tradition

August 11, 2024

by Rosario Casiano

Three years ago when I opened my supplement business I decided to name it Hierbas / Herbs in honor of my grandparents. When, as an adult, I connected with dietary supplements I understood that it really was a reconnection, that my first encounter with supplements had been as a child.

My paternal grandparents, Jesús and Victoria had a small business, a stand in the market of Puebla where they sold and prescribed herbs. They purchased or harvested themselves a complete assortment of the medicinal plants of our region. As the region of Puebla is characterized by having very fertile land, there were a great variety growing there. Other important plants that did not grow locally were purchased from other regions of Mexico.

Their family business was very popular in town. People, customers, came, sometimes already knowing what they wanted. When they asked for a consultation, they would describe their discomfort and my grandparents would prescribe a plant or plants for their condition. And people got better.

I remember one particular tonic that was very popular, a tonic that my grandparents prepared at home. It was a combination of various bitter plants that aided digestive complaints. It was pure gold. Whenever a client arrived with the appropriate symptoms they gave him a shot of this tonic. It served to relieve many discomforts of the belly.

That tonic may have been bitter to take, but it was most excellent to tone up the whole body. The supplements I sell continue that tonifying tradition, but today these plant extracts are scientifically enhanced and much easier to take.

The herbal supplements I sell in my store are a continuation of my grandparents little business. This is where the name Hierbas comes from. Come in and say hello.


Hierbas: Health Supplements

We value wellness for all.
We are more than a store: we are a lifestyle!
At Hierbas, we believe that everyone deserves to be healthy, in a simple but smart way. Our commitment is to offer the best natural, organic and ecological products at the best prices and, moreover, with the best service.

Potrero 6, San Antonio
Hospicio 38, Centro


Rosario Gisela Casiano Bustamante. I was born in Mexico City, but I grew up in the province in a region of Puebla. I studied Chemical Engineering, I have always liked to learn new things so I have studied Ayurveda nutrition, some energetic techniques and quantum therapies. I do not give therapies of this but I have the knowledge.


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