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Journey to the Light
Master Oh, Korean energy master
workshop, Thur-Sun, Aug. 22-25

August 4, 2024

As a child, Master Oh struggled with severe ill-health. He had a very weak constitution, was prone to dizziness and digestive issues, suffered from chronic fatigue and insomnia, and had many phobias. From his home in rural South Korea, he began a deep search for the meaning of life, wondering how he could ever live a life that’s free from pain and emotional problems.

Deep inside, he felt that if he healed himself, he would be able to help people with the same problems. This mission propelled him to try many healing modalities until finally he found Sun Kyeong, a method to regain health and wellbeing by connecting to the invisible vibration of life, allowing people to regain their energy as well as healing the karmic patterns inherited from the family.

Today, it is widely understood that emotions such as anxiety, fatigue, stress and depression can affect our physical state and drain our energy. These kinds of health and emotional issues affect a huge sector of the population. Master Oh points out that all physical and emotional symptoms stem from a combined shortage of energy and energy blockages. Everything in the Universe is made of vibration, including our thoughts and emotions. Every person carries a different vibration, which is shaped by the thoughts, feelings and habits they have in their daily life, as well as the emotional and physical patterns they have inherited from their family. This vibration can either be detrimental or beneficial to our health.

"If you understand who you are, what you are, and the principles of life, you will understand what you have to do and how sacred life is. Are you seeking healing or connection? Healing and connection are the same thing. When you create connection, healing happens." - Master Oh

The highest vibration in the Universe is the vibration that creates and supports all life, which is made of light, love and energy in its purest form. When we are able to connect to this vibration, we can regain our true nature, which is happy, wise, generous, compassionate as well as healthy and energised. This is Master Oh’s goal for everyone.

To date, Master Oh has founded more than twenty Sun Kyeong Centres worldwide, including one in Polanco, Mexico City. He’s trained many Qi masters and over the last year he has hosted Healing & Connection Events in over 25 world cities.


Master Oh continues his tour with a four-day event at the Live Aqua Hotel in San Miguel August 22-25, which promises an insight into his wisdom and teachings as well as powerful meditations, group energy sessions, a chance to heal family karma, and more. Master Oh speaks English and will be simultaneously translated into Spanish. To find out more, you can contact his team on:

+52 1 55 7348 5047


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