December 8, 2024
by Veronica Genta
When I was 15 years old, my godmother, with whom I had little relationship at the time, gave me a very special gift: a tarot deck. She was learning about the subject and, excited to share this magical world with me. I remember that day perfectly. She placed a soft cloth on the bed, took out her cards and we began to look at them together. She had several types of tarot cards. I found them all fascinating, as if they had something special that called to me. It was as if they glowed, as if they exerted a magnetic attraction. I left there with my cards in my hands immensely happy.
In the following days, I took the cards out several times just to look at them. I spent long periods of time looking at them without thinking about anything in particular, just enjoying their beauty and the energy that seemed to envelop them.
Over the next few years, from time to time, with my friends, I would pull out the cards. We would use the booklet that came with the cards to give meaning to the symbols, although we didn't really understand much. That's how it went for years, until I was 19.
Like so many people at that age, I wondered what to do with my future. I thought about studying costume design. I had grown up with threads and fabrics thanks to my mother, who was a dressmaker. However, when I found out about the course, the costs of enrolment, materials and so on, I realised that my family could not afford it. There was the possibility of a student loan, but as a good Capricorn, that didn't seem realistic to me.
So, almost without realising it, I started to experiment with theatre, and that led me to join the Theatre of the Senses... but that's another story. What I want to point out is that it was a moment in my life where everything seemed to start opening up in new ways.
One day, my mother came home very excited with some news: a holistic university had opened in our city, and they were teaching tarot! I didn't really understand at first what the term "holistic" was all about, let alone a "holistic university." It was a bit strange. But my mum seemed very convinced. She she had seen it on TV. I didn't know how she got the phone number and address. After so much insistence and her words of encouragement, telling me that I might be good at reading the cards, I decided to call, and then, finally went to visit the place.
It was an old house with a small front garden that gave it a cosy feel. At the entrance, to the left, there was a discreet plaque that read "Syncronía." I was greeted by a very friendly girl about my age, whose warmth immediately put me at ease. As she showed me around, I could see a large room on the ground floor where the classes were held. On the first floor, where there were two or three rooms, there were also spaces set up for teaching.
One of the first teachers I met was Jaime Hales. He was an imposing man: tall, robust, with a beard and glasses. Everything about him conveyed authority and knowledge. He had a penetrating gaze that, curiously, was balanced by his warm smile, which made him approachable and approachable. Jaime was the owner of the place and the main promoter of giving tarot and astrology a more serious and intellectual approach, something that until then did not exist in Chile.
A little later in the same visit I met María Ángel Lazo, a tarot reader and astrologer with a captivating personality. She was charismatic, natural and had an air of irreverence that made her fascinating. At that time, she was about to launch a four-month course where she would teach the Mythic Tarot, based on Greek mythology.
When the visit ended and I left that place, I experienced an indescribable feeling, as if I had finally found my place in the world, as if I was among my people, with my clan. I fell in love with that universe full of images, symbols and magic. It seemed to envelop me completely.
Days later, after talking to my mother, I decided to enrol in María Ángel Lazo's course. Thus began a path that would mark a new era in my life. I started learning through the mythical tarot the Jungian archetypes that immersed me in a world full of meaning and connection.
Casa Crisálida
Crisálida wants to walk alongside you on the journey of constant development, where we rediscover ourselves as beings with unlimited potential. Art, movement and textures guide us on this path; taking us by the hand towards the encounter with our destiny and reminding us that we are, in essence, creative beings.
Casa Crisálida is a space where we facilitate a profound transformation, where each of us brings a unique purpose and a gift to share with humanity. Through the growth of our capacities, we can bring the new to life and embrace true freedom.
Curative Pedagogy
Social Therapy
Akashic Records Reading
Family Constellations
Therapeutic Tarot Readings (and Workshops)
Contact us: Instagram / +52 415 117 8436.
Veronica Genta, tarot reader and astrologer, with a strong background in theatre, has built a deep bond with the Mapuche culture of Chile, exploring their cosmovision through textile art, medicinal plants and traditional dances.
This path inspired her to research diverse textile techniques, teach children and adults in art, culture and education courses, and manage cultural projects.
Veronica came to San Miguel where she advanced her skills in textile art and her training in Waldorf pedagogy, as well as seminars in art therapy and healing pedagogy.
Her trajectory reflects a deep commitment to education and self-knowledge, using tarot, astrology and art as tools to foster personal growth and collective well-being in the communities with whom she works.
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