Artist LuLu Lum welcomes visitors to her Mannequin Lounge.
June 16, 2024
by Karen Langdon
It can be tough for a new creator to find her niche in this 3-D painting of a city, already brimming with artists. But one step into LuLu's Mannequin Lounge and you know. This artist's body, er, bodies of art, colors outside existing lines.
"I do consider myself a colorist," says mannequin artist LuLu Lum, fluffing her signature red mane against a fuchsia-colored jacket.
And color is indeed the prevailing theme of LuLu's three-floor home, studio, and mannequin "lounge." But most enticing, is how each of her mannequin torsos and tables tells a story—beginning with their creator's.
"Before retiring and moving to San Miguel in 2019, I never envisioned living an artist's life," the Northern California transplant reveals. "I mean, I was a kindergarten teacher! But it was San Miguel's extensive art that drew me here. And after years of admiring (and buying) others' work, the urge to create struck. And now I can't stop!"
Why Mannequins?
Lulu's mannequin art uses life-size and partial replicas of the human body as canvases for her creative expression.
"Mannequins are my alter ego," says the life-long fashionista. "For as long as I can remember, I've always had one or two in my home. I liked dressing them with clothes and accessories, but that was it. Until…
"A couple years ago, someone gave me a female mannequin torso. It sat around my house for months. Then one day, I decided to decorate it with my mom's and my discarded jewelry—and that was it!"
LuLu named that first mannequin Clarice, loved how she turned out, and thought, "I want to keep doing this!" Which she has, with a passion. Since Clarice, the artist has created 45 sculptures in just over a year. Each has its own name, theme, personality… With no creative end in sight.
Edgy, Elegant, Flamboyant, Fun
"I have endless ideas for new mannequin personalities that I want to create," LuLu says. "But I have to beg, borrow, and steal to find mannequins. Ok, not steal. But I really do have to search."
Once a new "canvas" arrives at her studio, however, the creative process flows. Glu gun in hand, spray paint and accessories at the ready, LuLu precisely places baubles, bangles, and beads; feathers, clothing, shells, and stones—whatever is necessary—to manifest her vision for a new sculpture's one-of-a-kind personality.
The Watcher, for example, is adorned with watches and time-associated décor. Cupid and Valentina are appropriately attired sweethearts. Frida portrays her namesake's familiar flare. Kitchen Girl is dressed to reflect her domestic theme (with some spicy lace "down there"). And Cock-a-Doodle-Doo flaunts a strategically placed rooster.
Lulu's gender-blurred body of art arouses whimsical-to-Wow! reactions, with sensuality the main meter reader.
"I move into a fantasy zone when I create my mannequins," LuLu says, "and I hope people view them from that same fantasy space. They're all so different. It's exciting when I get to see one resonate with someone—and most of all, they're fun!"
Most sculptures are created from mannequin torsos, but LuLu knows what to make with a great pair of legs, too: Tables! Current versions include Monarch Mama (butterflies a plenty), Alpha Betty (colorful ABCs), and One-Legged Lu (featuring low and tall tabletops).
The artist also enjoys creating customized mannequins. "I love incorporating people's favorite colors, jewelry, and hobbies into a personalized piece," she says. Local performers Lady Zen and Leah Alonso, and sketch artist Rhoda Draws, have each received her customized creations.
"Moving to San Miguel's vortex of magical, creative energy has been life-affirming," LuLu beams. "I love creating and sharing my art, and I am so grateful to be here living my best life, every day!
Tours of LuLu's Mannequin Lounge are available by appointment via e-mail at Lulusmannequinlounge@gmail.com On social, follow her at:

Keep It LoCo with LuLu's Mannequins
Sunday, June 23, 12-7pm, Café Rama
Pop-up exhibit
30% of sales benefit Mujeres en Cambio
Karen Langdon is a San Miguel resident and freelance writer. People are her passion. Storytelling is her art. And here in San Miguel, this award-winning writer sees stories in every crevice of our beautiful city. Follow Karen as she explores and writes more about the people, places, and faces behind SMA's magic! Contact: thesocialcrone@gmail.com
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