March 17, 2024
by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
This week's Torah reading concludes the Book of Exodus. In it we read about the completion of the construction of the Tabernacle in the desert.
The Tabernacle is known by two names, each with a different connotation expressing its nature: "Mishkan" means "dwelling-place," and "Mikdash" means "sanctuary." These terms are connected, as the Torah says "They shall make me a sanctuary and I shall dwell among them."
The Tabernacle is both the instrument and symbol of G‑dliness in this physical world. It is an acknowledgment that G-d exists in this world. But through G-d's own accord He remains hidden, only to be seen by those who look.
A tree may be merely a tree, or it can be the handiwork of G‑d, depending on the viewer. Our personal life experiences may be coincidental, or the hand of G-d guiding us. The choice is ours, depending on how we look at it. Every detail of existence can reveal G‑d if only we really look. This is how the Tabernacle symbolizes His presence in everything.
The terms dwelling-place and sanctuary refer to G‑d and to Israel. G‑d makes His abode in what we sanctify. This is why mitzvot (commandments) are primarily done using material things. Wool cloth becomes an instrument for G-dliness when it becomes a talit (prayer shawl). Animal skin becomes a vessel for spirituality when it is made into tefillin, a mezuzah, a Torah scroll. Anything, however simple and mundane, however seemingly devoid of soul and religious potency, if only conducted according to Torah, if only sanctified, creates a dwelling-place for G‑dliness.
Rabbi Daniel and Raizel Huebner moved to San Miguel from New Jersey in 2018 with their family to start Chabad SMA. They enjoy living in San Miguel and integrating with the community through classes, Jewish activities and social events.
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