photo: Bill Harrison
March 24, 2024
by Lynn Marlow
It's a meditation
Pay attention
No straight streets
No right angles
No flat pavement
Hardly any side walks
Often no street signs
And don't count on
sequential house numbers
Lesson one
Gripping soles
Solid support
Tight strap
Snug fit
Lesson two
How slow can I go
Watch your step
Every single one
Place the right foot down
Lesson three
Keep your eyes peeled on the ground
Be sure your left foot doesn't slip
Does the cobble stone tilt
Or is there a ditch
Lesson Four
Stop to look around
Be sure to watch out for poles that block the way
and wires that cut diagonally through
some -not even wide enough for one person-streets to walk on
Lesson Five
Keep your head covered
To protect it from the hot sun and
a shampoo from a garden hose
dousing the roof top garden bouganvillas
Lesson Six
Be sure to smile at every passing face
Hola buenos dias
You never know who you will meet
As you zig zag through the streets,
Zig to the shady side
Zag to the flat side
Zig through the Jardin
Zag to the market
Don't fall
Women Write Inside Out
Tuesdays, 2:30-4pm
Café 1910, La Esperanza 22, San Antonio
$100-200, love, offerings appreciated, all welcome
Nurture your creative imagination, intuition, communication skills, and your writing too.
"Very safe supportive inspiring and healing. Lynn is wise and generous guide."
"Lynn's writing groups are a treasure. So freeing. The depth of sharing and caring is really touching."
"I discovered Lynn's writing groups when I was going through a really challenging time. I felt so disconnected to myself and others. It made all the difference."
Lynn Marlow is a retired body centered psychotherapist and Sufi guide transplanted here four years ago after 32 years in Boulder, CO. She is passionate about the healing power of creative expression, women, and the Sacred Feminine: Embodied intuitive creative wisdom! She currently hosts a weekly-women's group, Women Write Inside Out. It is writing meditation practice. "Our pen and paper are our 'meditation cushion.' Gabor Mate, renown physician, teacher, best-selling author says that connection is the foundation of healing. This group offers the opportunity for diving deep into our hearts and heart felt connection. Please contact me for more information about this group, Sufi teachings, and individual support and guidance."
322-381-6565 MX / Whatsapp
303-579-3304 US
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