November 24, 2024
by Audubon de México
On Monday, November 11 we were alerted to presence of dead ducks and evidence of illegal discharges of wastewater into the wetlands of the Presa Allende.
On Tuesday, November 12 the company responsible for the illegal discharges was visited by representatives of the municipal department of Sustainability and the Environment after receiving a report from a member of the public.
On Wednesday, November 13, Audubon de Mexico submitted a complaint with PROFEPA, the Federal Attorney for the Protection of the Environment, reporting the illegal discharge of waste into a wetland, located within the north section of the Presa Ignacio Allende floodplain, which we believe has directly caused the death of dozens of ducks and other waterfowl.
We do not know what action the municipal government has taken or is taking. We do know that after their visit, the company began to cover up evidence of their illegal activities, including filling a channel extending from its property to the wetland and the removal of pipes used to discharge the wastewater into the channel.
Although, at least for now, the waste dumping has stopped at this site, ducks and other waterfowl continue to die. We continue to receive photographs of bird carcasses in the water and on the shoreline and some depicting two men picking up these carcasses, in what appears to be an attempt to remove evidence of the company's violent acts against wildlife and our waterways.
We will be taking further action. To strengthen our case, we urgently need people to help monitor the wetland site and gather further evidence of duck mortality and the removal of the duck carcasses from the shoreline by people we believe to be affiliated with the company responsible for this egregious criminal act.
It is highly likely that these companies will continue to illegally discharge wastewater into our surface waters, perhaps moving up the Rio Laja river or along the Presa. If you live anywhere near the Laja or the Presa, keep a lookout for small tanker trucks moving in and out of the area. Take photos, making sure you capture the license plate number of the vehicles.
Submit your photos, the location (on Google Maps if possible) and any additional details you observe to:
Note: When taking photographs make sure your time and date stamp is turned on.
See the location of where to start, moving northeast along the wetland shoreline to the second stone ruin:
Audubon de México- deepening the connection between people & nature and encouraging stewardship of the natural world for the countless ways it supports and enriches our lives, and for the sake of children and their future.
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