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Walkable Cities

Walk along Calzada de la Aurora

September 29, 2024

by Diana López

There are places in the city that I always try to pass through, especially when I walk.

When I lived in the colonia Allende, I sometimes took the slightly longer route to get to Centro, going down 5 de Mayo to watch the children playing under the tall pines by the schools. No one was in a hurry under that dense shade.

Walk along Parque Guadiana

I used to walk through Callejón de las Moras, adorned with large mesquite and pepper trees, until reaching Callejón del Cardo, where old laurels can be found on each side of the sidewalk.

Floral facade in San Miguel

I crossed Juárez Park to enjoy the mix of bird songs with the murmur of people until I reached Aldama. I walked along, observing the plants cascading from the terraces over the colorful facades, eventually encountering the majestic Parroquia, standing tall alongside its palm trees.

Walk along Cañadita de Aguacates

I preferred this route, which took me an extra 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the curiosities or friends I encountered along the way, simply because I could walk comfortably under the shade of the trees. The trees not only provide a haven for hundreds of insects, birds, and other animals, but they also embrace the walkers and keep them company, like companions in the day's adventure.

Walk along Cachinches Creek

I never took them for granted. Every time I walked under them, I admired their thick bark and paid attention to their presence. The sound of their leaves rustling in the wind felt like tickling. The twisted shape of their branches and unruly crowns gave them a majestic personality that excited and moved me. I tried to imagine what those places would be like without these beautiful sculptures, created by nature and placed there by a benevolent soul, and I worried about the possibility of someone in a fit of madness deciding to remove them.

Walk along Obraje

It was on that route that I clearly noticed what trees do for the city. Trees create pathways to be walked, places to be enjoyed, and landscapes to be contemplated.

Sunset in San Miguel

Our job as landscapers is to ensure that the city grows with soul, integrating gracefully and respectfully with the natural landscape, demonstrating that we can coexist. We approach nature and the surrounding ecosystem with curiosity and admiration, honoring their identity by creating native gardens. We want to break the concrete and plant more trees, let the earth breathe, and create beautiful and healthy cities. We also try to sow awareness by conveying an important message: we must give back to the earth what we take from it.

I always consider that these ideas would not have come to me without the countless times I walked through the streets of San Miguel.

Aldama after the rain


Floresta - Regenerative Landscaping

We are Diana López and María Miranda, founders of Floresta Studio. For four years we have been dedicated to the design and construction of gardens and outdoor spaces in San Miguel de Allende, we have experience in projects of different scales.

Our specialty is the creation of naturalistic style gardens with native plants, reforestation and water harvesting. We are passionate about creating harmonious spaces that connect people with nature and promote a sustainable environment.



Diana López: I grew up near the Pacific Ocean and later decided to study architecture in Guanajuato city. I am passionate about topics related to design, the city, culture and nature. I moved to San Miguel de Allende in 2019, I consider it a home that has allowed me to explore my interests and share them with others. Since 2020 I have dedicated myself to the observation of nature and the design of spaces that have the ability to move us and make us feel good.


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