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Net, Web, Cloud: The Computer Corner

October 20, 2024

by Charles Miller

Earlier today I was asked by someone to clarify the meanings of three words most of us hear almost every day now. Those words are internet, web and cloud.

The internet is a bunch of computers forming a global network of interconnected computers called servers, and also other networks of multiple servers that all communicate with each other using the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Through this network computers, smart phones, and other internet-enabled devices are able to exchange information and services. The term "internet" has its origins in the word "internetwork," which first appeared in a U.S. War Department manual in 1945. This term itself is derived from the prefix "inter-" meaning "between" and "network." Over the years this has been shortened to "internet" or just "net."

The term "web" as in "World Wide Web" (WWW) refers to a system of interlinked document files and resources that are accessible via the internet. This concept of sharing documents was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while he was at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), with the aim of creating a universal linked information system. As the internet expanded the web came to also include images, videos, and sounds in addition to documents. The "web" metaphorically describes how these documents and other content are interconnected, similar to a spider's web, where each strand represents a hyperlink leading to another document whether that document be on the same computer or another computer at another location. The name "World Wide Web" was chosen to emphasize its decentralized nature and the ability to link any document to any other document without regard to its physical location.

It is probably helpful to understand that the "internet" and the "web" are technically not synonymous though the terms are often used interchangeably. The internet is the underlying global communications network of computers, servers, modems, routers, Ethernet cables, fiber optic cables, satellites, and other hardware that when put together facilitates many different forms of communication. The "web" is but one of the many services that use the communications network provided by the internet. Some examples of other non-web services that use the internet are email, file transfer protocols (FTP), video streaming, telephonic communications, and so on. The web specifically utilizes the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which is why the addresses of all web sites begin with "http" or "https".

And the other word that has entered the technical lexicon of the 21st century is "cloud." This one is easy. There is no cloud. It is just somebody else's computer. Just like the other terms, "cloud" is often used interchangeably with "internet" and "web" and while that is not necessarily wrong it can be confusing. Cloud storage simply means your files are stored on somebody else's computer while cloud-based programs are ones you may use while they are installed on somebody else's computer. The term "cloud" in computing is thought to have been originated in 1994 by Andy Hertzfeld, one of the engineer developers of the Macintosh.

It is not clear if Mr. Hertzfeld's use of the word "cloud" was intended to be a metaphorical location, or a reference to resources not understood and for which the understanding of said resources was not essential. In any case, many people can take comfort in knowing the internet, web, and cloud are all user-friendly enough that most non-technical people can make good use of them even without a good understanding of what they are or how they work.


Charles Miller is a freelance computer consultant with decades of IT experience and a Texan with a lifetime love for Mexico. The opinions expressed are his own. He may be contacted at 415-101-8528 or email FAQ8 (at)


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